Gypsy Truths (All The Pretty Monsters #6)- Kristy Cunning Page 0,17

than usual, and it’s draping over one shoulder, as she sleeps peacefully on top of him.

“I’m still in trouble. She was rather adamant and clear about that,” he states with a barely-there smile.

But the smile vanishes from his face, as his eyes lift to meet mine.

“Idun called a meeting today,” he tells me.

“Yeah. I know. We finally got out of there, and I came to find out what stole you out of that torturous shite over three hours ago. Then I find you getting your rocks off with our girl. How is this fair?”

“Amos had an emergency House problem that needed his immediate attention yesterday, and only finished up today,” he says.

I frown. “What the hell does that have to do with the price of eggs? Did you bop your head? Is that why the door is jacked? What happened to Violet’s office?”

His eyes fog over with a white sheen that proves he’s barely staving off his monster. What the hell?

After his eyes settle back down, the control quickly returning to him, he gives me a look I know all too well.

“I’m tired of being five steps behind on a good day, and ten miles back on the bad days,” he continues, that gaze only worrying me more.

“Seriously, what have I missed?” I ask, actually expecting an answer this time.

He’s clearly distracted, the wheels of his mind turning as he plots something. That’s that that look is.

I’ve seen Damien be calculated and lethal throughout history. It’s never a good thing. Regardless of how calculated and lethal he is, he’s still no match for Idun.

“Anna, if Violet needs us, I want you to come find us immediately. Understood?” he asks, just as Anna pops her head through the wall.

How did he know she was there?

She grins.

“How long have you known I was there?” she asks him, echoing my own inner thoughts.

“I’m starting to wonder if you ever leave her side,” Damien answers without looking at her.

“Very rarely. She gets herself into too much trouble. She practically needs twenty-four hour surveillance. Good thing she has four boyfriends. Oh, wait, that’s right, you guys are—”

“Why are we listening to the ghost we said was nothing but trouble?” I ask him, very confused by this evening’s events.

I almost leap out of my skin—which is one hell of a feat to pull off around me—when a set of impossible triplets suddenly appear.

“What the fuck is going on around here?!” I demand, more than agitated by the fact I damn near shrieked like an omega. I’d never hear the end of it if I did something that ridiculous. “Why are dead ghosts suddenly popping up everywhere around here?”

“Violet saved Anna. Anna saved us,” the three of them state in unison.

“Was it the three of you who possessed Violet and made me feel like a dirty pervert in a Sunday morning sermon?” I growl.

They smile like they’re proud of themselves.

“I’m going to salt these bloody ghosts and send them back to that alleged third dimension—”

Damien is suddenly walking by me, pulling on his ripped shirt as he goes, pants hanging undone around his hips.

“Where the hell are you off to?” I ask, pointing a finger at the triplets. “This isn’t over. I will destroy you three.”

A dramatic shudder wracks my body, and they disappear from sight, as I hurry to steal a kiss from Sleeping Beauty.

I catch up to Damien, who is rather intensely focused, his eyes lost to thought, as he does his jeans up. He leaves his shirt hanging open, presumably because half the buttons are missing.

“Did Violet get excited or something? That’s really not fair. I could have left early and been the one to quell any needs she—”

He disappears for a brief moment, and I dart a look around, cursing when I see him already outside by the time he becomes visible again.

He’s gotten so much stronger, that I can’t even see through his illusions anymore. Which is…certainly frustrating.

I like that edge.

“Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on around here?” I ask the silent house.

Bobo continues to hammer away, not even acknowledging me, until he manages to free the broken door at last. He smiles at me again, lifts the door over his shoulder, and hurries out of the room with it.

“Nice. Real nice,” I gripe, as I hurry out the door.

I sniff the air, finally catching Damien’s scent. Why is he returning to the Van Helsing rings?

My steps slow when I see him stalking through the doors with Copyright 2016 - 2024