Gypsy Truths (All The Pretty Monsters #6)- Kristy Cunning Page 0,122

brief. Idun’s bones quickly pop back into place, and she easily pushes back up to her feet.

“That place is about to be a battlefield, and she’ll never live with the guilt of getting those omegas and betas killed, let alone what will happen to all of us,” Zuela says, exhaling a harsh breath.

“This is where alliances shift. We’re about to learn where we stand with our families. Where do you stand, Zuela?” I ask him, as Idun continues to crack a few bones into place, her back still turned.

The ominous calm before the storm.

Everyone in the stadium is still silent.

Damien snags Violet at the waist, and in the next instant, his hand is on her head. Her eyes slam shut, and she goes lifeless in his arms.

He turns and darts away, carrying her with him. Arion is hot on his heels, the two of them working in perfect unison, as though they planned for Violet to go too far.

Or else their monsters are working on full instinct and protecting their chosen mate from the closest threat the best way they can when they’re outnumbered and not ready for a fight.

“I predicted that the Monster Olympics were a terrible idea,” Talbot interjects, sitting back in his seat.

Idun runs her fingers through her hair, straightens her bra, and turns to face the direction they just went.

“It was just a matter of time before it escalated. Every pup has to learn its place. She’s too new a monster, and she’s not lived in our society,” Zuela carries on. “They can run. For now. Idun’s about to kill half the stadium. If they—”

Thunder rumbles as though the universe has good timing for once. The Neoprys scatter like roaches, as the next rumble of thunder rattles the camera.

“The lightning will lead Idun right to Violet. She gets struck twice as often as a typical Neopry,” I say almost too quietly, my body still frozen in some shock at the dramatic turn of events.

“Right now, Idun’s going to collect herself, and she’s going to use the lightning as an excuse to do it. It’s been a long time since someone, other than the four of you, have physically challenged her. She thinks it’s tacky to let the monster out as casually as you all do,” Talbot ‘predicts.’

Anna pops up in our helicopter so abruptly and unexpectedly that we all startle.

My eyes cut to Talbot, who quickly darts his gaze away from Anna, his jaw tightening. He refuses to look at me, but we both know I saw him react to her presence, unlike the knights.

Studying his tense profile, and the clearly angered look on his face for breaking composure, I listen as Anna talks.

“Oh, isn’t that interesting, Grandma?” Anna asks, going to study Talbot, who refuses to meet her eyes.

“Thought you were just an incubus,” Zuela chimes in.

“As much as I adore attention, I believe we have more pressing matters to concern ourselves with. Once this storm concludes, Idun will be ready to put the game to an end. It’s different this time. This time, she’s really pissed off about you putting her underground for a thousand years, and it’s finally starting to show,” Talbot deflects.

“According to every knight who has ever crossed paths with you, you’re rarely wrong, and you’ve saved plenty of their lives, while just passing by,” Zuela cuts in, showing Talbot more recognition than he’s ever shown any other incubus.

Talbot nods, almost as though he arrogantly already expected Zuela’s respect.

“She casted the Van Helsing in his own silver. I don’t know how Violet’s ghosts found them,” he says, his eyes moving deliberately to Anna, since he can’t even bother denying it.

Anna grins. “I have my ways. You’re sneaky, Talbot Lane. I don’t like sneaky boys any more than I like sneaky girls.”

“Everyone has secrets to keep for one reason or another,” Talbot fires back.

Anna rolls her eyes and gives me her full attention, while waggling her eyebrows. “Hey, sexy barbarian. Wanna talk Violet into loaning me her vagina, so I can show you what a real woman can do with a touchable body?”

“Where’s Violet?” I demand.

Her eyes flick to Vance, and she tilts her head, as her eyebrow arches.

“How long will he be stuck in there?” she asks instead of answering, giving the silver man a worried look.

He’s been put at a diagonal on the floor of the helicopter, since it’s the only way he’d fit.

“Where is Violet?” I ask, using a more commanding tone this time.

She gives me a lazy look. Copyright 2016 - 2024