A Growl, a Roar, and a Purr (Lions & Tigers & Bears #1) - K.C. Wells Page 0,17

his head was one thing, but how on earth would it be when there were two of them? Things could get real noisy inside Rael’s head.

And another thing to consider. Over what distance could this… telepathy work? Because surely there had to come a point when they couldn’t hear each other.

Then he considered that last thought. There has to be someone we can talk to who knows about shifter mates. His parents knew next to nothing from the sound of it. What we need is an expert. Except how did one go about finding such a person?

Horvan appeared in the doorway. “You’re right. We need to know more. And I might be able to help us there.” He gazed pointedly at Rael. “While I’m making my calls, isn’t there someone you need to talk to? I mean, I don’t know you all that well—yet—but what about family, friends?”

Rael frowned, perplexed. Then it hit him. “Oh Lord, my parents.”

He’d better make sure they were sitting down first.

“THESE ARE really good tacos.” Correction—they were good tacos. Rael had pretty much demolished them as soon as they were placed in front of him.

“Well, you said you like Mexican. I found this place a couple years ago. It’s great when you want a quick bite. And their buffet is awesome.” Horvan took a long drink from his bottle of beer, then leaned back in his chair. “So how did you come to hear about me?”

“You did an op a few years ago where you rescued that senator’s family who’d been taken and were being kept someplace in the Appalachians. I know Pierce, the journalist who went in there with you.”

Horvan beamed. “Pierce. Sure, I remember him. Skinny runt but with a good head on him. Two good heads, actually.” He leered. “Not to mention a wicked mouth.”

Rael stared at him. “Really? You’re going to sit there and reminisce about a blow job in front of your mate? How does ‘highly inappropriate’ sound?”

Horvan frowned. “Hey, I was single at the time. Plus I was horny.”

Rael smirked. “Is there ever a time when you’re not?” Horvan seemed to be the typical alpha male, not that Rael had a problem with that. But he certainly did not want to hear about his mate’s sexual conquests. “Tell me about the mission.”

Horvan shrugged. “It was pretty straightforward. Textbook, really. I don’t think they were expecting the senator to react the way he did.” He smiled. “We were a complete surprise.” Then he laughed. “Oh God. There was one morning before we raided their camp when I just had to shift. Must have been the surroundings. They reminded me of home.”

“And where’s that?” Rael inquired.

“New Albany, Indiana. Right on the border with Kentucky. Forests as far as the eye can see. That’s where I go to shift. Anyhow, that morning I got up early, before everyone else, went a distance from the camp, undressed, and shifted.” He sighed. “It was so good. Only, when I got back to camp, all hell had broken loose. Someone else had gotten up early too, and had gone for a morning walk. Trouble was, he’d found my pile of clothing. Plus he’d seen my bear. They were all convinced I’d been eaten or something.” Horvan snickered. “As if a bear was gonna eat me.”

“I take it they don’t know about you. Your team, that is.”

Horvan shook his head. “I figure what they don’t know won’t hurt ’em. Let them go around blissfully ignorant of us, like the rest of humanity.”

“So how did you explain the clothing?”

He grinned. “I told them a tale about how I was a secret nudist and liked to go for naked rambles. They bought it, thank God.”

There was one question Rael had been burning to ask ever since their phone conversation. “I have to ask…. Do you really know fifty-seven ways to kill a man?”

Horvan chuckled. “More, but I had a bottle of Heinz sauce on the table in front of me when I was talking to you.” He smirked. His phone buzzed, and he picked it up, peering at the screen. “Great. Roadkill will be with us in the morning. He’s catching a late flight.” Horvan peered at Rael’s plate. “You done?”

Rael chuckled. “Why—aren’t you?” He had to admit, Horvan’s appetite was impressive.

Horvan shrugged. “I got snacks at the apartment if I get the munchies. But I really think we need to head back there. Tomorrow’s gonna be a busy day by the look of it, and we need

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