The Ground Rules_ Undone - Roya Carmen Page 0,35

when they cuffed him, almost as if he wanted them to take him away.

My heart is shattered as she tells me her story, and I fall into sobs. I had no idea this had wounded Gabe so deeply. I didn’t realize to what extent this could really mess him up until now. I should have known. Gabe always acts so cool — like nothing in the world ever bothers him. But it’s all an act. I should have known better. I’ve been so stupid, so irresponsible. I should have known he would blow up eventually.

I swallow hard and take a calming breath, trying to retain my composure. My voice is still shaky as I tell her how sorry I am. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

“Thank you,” she says, her voice sweet. “I’m okay now.”

My words are measured when I ask her, “Why are you still at the office?”

“I wanted to be here for Mr. Hanson,” she tells me. “And I want to be here for any news.”

The seat belt strains against my shoulder as I sit up straight. “What is the news?” I blurt out, desperately wanting to know. “Have you heard anything?”

“Well, apparently, thank goodness, it’s not as bad as we all thought. I mean, he was unconscious and bloody when the paramedics came. We all thought he might be dead. But apparently he’s no longer in critical condition, and they say he’s going to be okay.”

A huge wave of relief washes over me…a tidal wave, a tsunami. “Thank you, Kathryn,” I say before I hang up.

Of course, I don’t tell her the man who scared the life out of her is my husband. I’m surprised she didn’t recognize him. Gabe has only been to Weston’s office once before, and I don’t recall seeing her that day. Or perhaps she was there, and simply didn’t remember him.

But I’m sure she will remember him now. For the rest of her life.

When we get to the police station, we can’t seem to find anyone who will help us. We ask about a Gabriel Keates who has been detained earlier in the day, but the receptionist seems to have too much on her plate to give a rat’s rear.

Just as I’m about to lose all hope, I spot Bridget rounding the corner, in a tight black suit, hair up in a severe bun, shoulders squared, her mouth a thin line. The shark is heading straight for me with evil in its eyes, a lust for blood.

My heart pounds as she approaches, sandwiched between two other equally stern women in suits — other lawyers I assume.

Gabe is dead in the water. I just know it. In a pool of blood.

I can actually see the nostrils of her perfect nose flaring as she inches toward me. “Mirella,” she says.

I struggle to breathe. “Where is he?”

She glares at me. “How could you let this happen?”

I know she’s not talking about Gabe. She’s talking about the baby. I don’t know what to say to her. Her husband’s child grows inside me; a life we made together. There is no worse betrayal. I could tell her it was an accident but she would never believe me. And it really wasn’t, we weren’t careful enough.

I stare down at my flip-flop clad feet and my bright orange toenails, like a petulant little girl in front of the strict head mistress.

Bridget turns to her colleagues. “Leave us,” she snaps. And they scurry away like frightened hamsters.

I stand frozen, steadying myself for one of the worst moments of my life.

“You too,” she hisses at Gwen.

Gwen blows out a breath. “Yes, Sir,” she scoffs. “Mirella, let me know if you need me,” she mutters before leaving us.

I find myself actually trembling and I take a step back, hoping to retreat to…I don’t know where.

She stares at me for the longest time without a word, her eyes icy. “Don’t you think for a second this changes anything between you and Weston. He will no longer be seeing you. It’s still over between you two.”

My heart sinks. I know it’s over. I’ve accepted that. But what about Gabe? Will he be okay?

Despite myself, the waterworks take a hold of me. “Please Bridget,” I plead, the words stifled by cries. “This is my fault. And my fault only. Gabe has nothing to do with this. He did what he did because he’s angry, just as angry as you,” I tell her, desperately trying to even out my shaking voice. “You must understand Copyright 2016 - 2024