The Ground Rules_ Undone - Roya Carmen Page 0,112

sure you must understand.

I wanted to thank you again for making the right decision. Sometimes I wonder if you were the love of his life, and sometimes I wonder if I am.

As mentioned above, Weston is very much the same, but he wears a silver necklace now — a leafy tree in a circle. He was wearing it the day of the accident and it’s been practically glued to his chest ever since. He doesn’t know where he got it or when, but he feels a strong need to wear it every day. For some reason, it means a lot to him. I’ve concluded the necklace must be from you. I know he was with you on that day. Am I right in making this assumption?

I do hope you and Gabe are doing well in Phoenix. You must be, with all that sun! He’s a wonderful man and I know how much he loves you. I don’t think this arrangement of ours was ever very easy for him. I know it wasn’t for me. Or for Weston. Or for you, I gather.

I just wanted to keep you abreast of Weston’s situation, and I will most likely not write again. But I wish you all the best.



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Dear Bridget,

Thank you so much for writing to me. I’m so glad to hear you are all doing well. Gabe and I are doing amazing. He loves his new job. I think he likes finally being able to be his own man, not always in his father’s shadow. I’ve managed to find myself a great job too, at a private school nearby, which was no easy feat in this economy. Gabe’s new boss knew someone who knew someone. Isn’t that always the way it goes?

I’m so glad to hear Weston hasn’t changed too much… still organizing his DVD collection by category, in alphabetical order, I assume.

I wanted to tell you I’m glad he doesn’t remember. What we were in…it was quite the mess, wasn’t it? I would never want to go there again, for all our sakes. I’m so glad your family is happy. And mine too. And don’t worry, I understand why you destroyed the photos. I would have done the same.

And please don’t thank me for letting him go. It’s what I had to do, not only for him and you, but for Gabe and me.

Speaking of Gabe, he’s already making friends, and has joined a new club. And we’re already getting together with friends around the neighborhood.

This new life of ours is very exciting, but I do miss friends and family back home, and my kids and colleagues at work. But everyone at my new work is so nice, and the children are surprisingly well behaved. My class is small, only twelve kids! I almost don’t know what to do with myself.

So life goes on.

I want you to know that I truly think you are the love of his life. What Weston and I had was all fireworks, excitement…a new world. I think he was drawn to me because I was the polar opposite of you. Please don’t take offence to this. What I mean is, at the time, he wanted to escape his life. And there I was — a free-spirited, quirky, brooch collecting kindergarten teacher. I was fun. That’s all. I was what he needed at the time. I was his escape. I know he loves you. I know how proud of you he is.

And I can honestly tell you I didn’t give him that necklace. Sorry, but that shall remain a little mystery for you. :)

I wish you all the best too. And take good care of him.



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Hey girl,

I miss you so much! You’re not calling as much as you used to. Are you already forgetting all about me? Do you have a new best friend yet? Tell me you don’t. I went shopping yesterday and I got loads of cute stuff for the summer. And I had no one to show it off to! I guess I’ll just have to haul it all over when I come to visit soon. I know I’ve already been there twice already. Greg is annoyed we don’t go anywhere else anymore, just Phoenix. But I say ‘heck, there’s great golf, what are you bitchin’ about?’

Everyone at school misses you. Sylvia’s still up to her old shenanigans. That new teacher is having major problems with that kid Sebastian in your class. Apparently his parents were called in and it Copyright 2016 - 2024