Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,90

sound casual, yet knowing I probably fail.

Again, he grins. “Happy to hear. We’ll be in touch,” he adds before turning and heading away.

I feel a hand at my back and turn to find Lena there. “Good news?”

“He wants to talk about a contract extension,” I say, unable to contain my excitement.

She’s smiling too, but there’s a sadness in her green eyes. “Of course he does. I never doubted it for a second,” Lena says, playfully hitting my arm.

“Come on, let’s head back to the motorhome. We’ve got some celebrating to do.”

As I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her and Oliver close, something flashes across her face. I can’t pinpoint what it is. Regret maybe? Grief? She tries to cover it up, but I saw it nonetheless. It’s a stark reminder the sand is almost out in the hourglass. She’s leaving tomorrow whether I want her to or not. The moment we get home, she’s gone.

And I’m alone.

Chapter Nineteen


I swear he can feel me shaking as we head back to the motorhome. Alison already took off and will be waiting, while I still try to figure out how to have this conversation with Mack. Maybe I can convince her to take Oliver for a short walk so we can be alone? All I know is my time is running out, and it needs to happen sooner, rather than later.

By the time we reach our site, I’m a nervous wreck. I stop and turn to face him. “Can I talk to you?”

His dark eyes change right before me. They transform from elated and vibrant to worried in a matter of seconds. “Sure. Everything okay?”

I nod. “Maybe in the motorhome?”

He holds my hand as we slip inside. Alison waves the moment we walk through the door and motions for Oliver. “I can take him and get his diaper changed,” she offers with a smile. But it’s like she senses the sudden tension that walked in with us. “Uhh, I was just going to head back outside. How about I take Oliver with me?”

“Thanks, Alison,” Mack replies, but his eyes are locked on mine. Once I hand the baby to the new nanny, he adds, “Stay close to our site. The press is still jonesing to get photos of Oliver, and I’d rather limit them, okay?”

“Sure thing,” she agrees before leaving us alone.

The second the door closes, he pulls me into his arms. I go willingly, the tears already starting to fall. “What’s the matter?”

I lean back and our eyes meet. He stops, as if he suddenly realizes what this is. Mack looks toward his bedroom and sees my bags already there, packed and ready to go. When he glances back my way, there’s so much pain and sorrow in his eyes, it’s like someone actually reached into my soul and crushed it. “I know I said I was leaving tomorrow night after we got back,” I start.


“I can’t do it, Mack. I’m leaving now.”

He sucks in a hard breath as if he was punched. “Now?” His eyes go wide and slightly panicked.

I nod my head. “Now. I knew if I went back to your house with you and Oliver, it would be so much harder to leave, and I just can’t do it. I need to go now.” He blurs behind my tears.

He steps forward, his shoulders sagging with defeat. His strong arms wrap around me and pull me close. Mack doesn’t seem to care I’m soaking his shirt with my tears. He squeezes so tight, it’s almost hard to breathe, which is fine. My chest hurts so damn bad right now anyway, not breathing might actually be a blessing.

When he pulls back, there are tears in his eyes. He clears his throat and says, “I’m not going to ask you to stay, Lean. Fuck, it’s not because I don’t want to. I want to more than anything, but I won’t do that to you. You’re making a choice based on what’s right for you, and I respect that. You’ve been nothing but honest with me from the beginning. This thing had an expiration date.” He slides his warm hands into my hair, caressing my face as if memorizing the contours and feel of my skin.

He closes his eyes and presses his lips to my forehead. “All I’ve ever wanted for you is to live the life you want, sweetheart. I know you can’t stay, and as bad as it hurts me to say, I’m proud of you for sticking Copyright 2016 - 2024