Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,59

grins, letting the warmth spread across her cheeks.

All I can do is stare at her beauty.

When she glances toward the house, she spies me sitting there, watching. Lena gives me a tentative grin and makes her way to me. “Oliver go down already?”

Nodding, I reply, “Yeah, he didn’t even get his entire bottle empty before it was curtains. That means he’ll probably be up earlier than normal later.”

“Probably,” she replies, looking around at the landscaping along the steps.

Scooting over, I tap my hand on the wood beside me. “Have a seat.” When she sits beside me, her outer leg brushes against mine, and I have to stop myself from reaching out and touching her smooth skin. It’s toned and tanned and on full display in cute little denim shorts. I’m pretty sure she’s trying to give me a heart attack. Shaking images of her sexy legs out of my mind, I add, “I have something to ask you.”

She glances to the side, a hesitant look on her face. “Haven’t you already asked me enough?” she teases.

“Yeah, the last ask was a pretty big one. This one isn’t like that. Plus, it involves shopping.”

Her eyes dance with excitement. “You have my attention.”

I lean back on my hands to keep from touching her. “Well, this Saturday night is that Hicks gala I mentioned, and I was hoping you’d go with me.”

She swallows hard. “Like a date?”

I shrug. “We can call it whatever you want, Lean. All I know is I’d love to take you out for the evening. A thank-you, of sorts.”

The moment I say the words, I want to pull them back. Something flashes across her face. It’s almost a grimace, like she’s in pain. That’s how I know I’ve messed up without even realizing it.

Lena seems to sit up straighter. “What about Oliver?”

“Actually, I have someone coming to watch him.” I can’t help but smile.

“Really?” she asks, confused. “We haven’t started to vet nannies yet.”

Now it’s my turn for my stomach to drop to my shoes. The only reason to vet nannies is because she’s leaving. That thought makes me want to punch a puppy. No, I’d never actually hit an animal—or a human—unless he was asking for it. When your father occasionally uses you as a punching bag on heavy vodka nights, you learn to only throw a punch when absolutely necessary. I’ve thrown exactly three in my entire life, and none of them were to a defenseless animal.

I turn my attention back to Lena. “I have someone flying in Friday.” Her eyebrows raise in question. “Your dad.”

At first, I see shock, followed very quickly by elation. “My Dad? He’s coming here?”

The moment I start to nod, her body slams into mine, her arms wrap around my neck. Her lips are on my cheek a moment later. As I sit there, contemplating on whether or not to move my arms and return the hug, I realize it would only take the slightest turn of my lips to claim hers. I can feel her breath sliding over my face, so very close.

When our eyes meet, she whispers, “Thank you, Mack.”

I shrug, hating the way my body weeps with sadness as she pulls back and sits up straight beside me. I just want her to touch me again. “You’re welcome. So, does that mean you’ll go with me?”

Her eyes dance with excitement. She nods and bites her lower lip. Lucky lip. “I’ll go.”

I’m automatically grinning. “Great. Your dad is going to text me his flight information, and we’ll all buzz over and grab him.”

“Thank you.” Her words are soft, the conviction in them evident. She’s truly grateful. Most likely because her dad is coming, and less because of the gala, but I’ll take that light in her eyes and the happiness in her smile anytime, despite the reason.

“You’re welcome, Lean,” I reply, bumping her shoulder with my own.

We sit in silence for a while, each lost in our own thoughts. Mine are about her, anticipating what she’ll wear to the gala. For the first time, I’m actually excited to attend one of these formal dinners. Usually, I’m all about ducking out at the first opportunity, but this time, I might actually stay and enjoy. Dance and hold her close.

If only convincing her to stay was as easy as being my date to the gala.


“Take it easy in turn four, Cruz,” Coop instructs into my earpiece.

My team is back at Fontana, testing tires. We’re one of three West Coast teams at the Copyright 2016 - 2024