Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,42

continue, “Her name is Lindsay Monahan. We dated for about three weeks.”

I can feel her go rigid beneath my touch. “You don’t have to tell me this,” she says quickly, pulling against my hand. I let her go, but follow as she hightails it to the kitchenette area to finish packing up Oliver’s formula and water.

“I think I do,” I say as I reach her side. “I’m not sure what she said to you, but I’m certain it probably wasn’t nice.” Her guarded eyes meet mine once again, and I hate that look on her face. Like she’s protecting herself. From me. From the pain I might inflict.

I step forward, into her personal space. Her scent wraps around me, beckoning me like a siren’s call. My hand sweeps through her loose hair, the softness of those locks sliding around my fingers. “I met her at the track a few times before I asked her to have dinner with me. It was enjoyable, since she was a huge fan of the sport. We exchanged numbers and kept in touch over the next few days. We were able to meet up a second time for dinner, but that’s when I knew something was off. She was…anxious to spend more time with me. Like all of my time. She started texting and calling nonstop, and when I didn’t reply fast enough, went as far as to contact the CD Enterprises office. I met up with her a third time to break it off with her, even though it was pretty new and casual, and let’s just say, she wasn’t happy with me.”

Her eyebrows pull together in concern. “What happened?”

“She egged my truck.”

“What?” she gasps, her mouth falling open.

“Well, we could never prove it was her, but we’re all certain. She started driving past my house, and I’m not sure how she found out where I lived. I never told her. She kept calling at all hours of the night from a blocked number and hanging up. Hell, she even went as far as to email corporate, telling them she was my wife.”

“Shut. Up.”

I can’t help but laugh at her outrage on my behalf. “Wish I were joking. I had to get a restraining order against her. It was a mess.”

“Wow, I’m sorry that happened to you,” she whispers, her eyes full of empathy and support.

Stepping closer yet, our bodies are mere inches away from each other. I can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, hear the quick inhale of her breath. “They couldn’t ban her from attending races because they’re public events, but she’s supposed to keep her distance. She still shows up every now and again and tries to cause problems, but for the most part, I’ve barely seen her.” My hand moves to her cheek. “What did she say to you?”

“That you’d dump me in a month and move on to the next woman waiting in line.” Her eyes hold mine, and I can see the hint of insecurity flash through those orbs.

My hand cups her cheek, my finger gently stroking the soft skin. “There is no line, Lean. There wasn’t when I went on those few dinner dates with her. There hasn’t ever been a line, actually, and if there was, I paid it no attention. I only have eyes for one woman.”

She swallows hard, closes her eyes, and leans into my touch. I move forward even more, aligning our fronts so they’re touching. My left hand snakes around her back, resting just above the waistband of her pants. I can feel the heat of her skin seeping through the material, and suddenly I’m feeling a little drunk.

Drunk on her.

“I’m sorry she’s causing you so much grief,” she whispers, her breath a featherlight kiss against my lips.

“I’m sorry she bothered you. I’d never willingly put you in the line of fire, but I feel like that’s all I’ve done since you arrived.”

Lena shrugs. “It’s okay. I’m here because I want to be.”

I open my mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. All I want to do is kiss her. Years’ worth of pent-up frustration and desire has me ready to say fuck it and kiss her. She’s so fucking close. All I’d have to do is lean in just ever so slightly and claim her lips with my own. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Lena how close we are. She grips my forearm, her nails digging into my flesh. She licks her lips, her eyelids fluttering closed, Copyright 2016 - 2024