Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,30

his hand on her shoulder, their right hands covering their hearts. They did a moment of silence right before the national anthem in honor of Jim’s wife. Tears stream down Lena’s dirty face, making dark track marks on her fair skin, as she looks up at the flag. It’s a heartbreakingly beautiful photograph that won the photographer an award of some sort. “So, don’t worry about me, but I want to make sure Oliver is protected.” Her gaze is fierce.

That’s the woman I love.

Wait. What?

That’s just crazy talk right there. No way do I still love her. It’s been years since we’ve seen each other. Hell, we’ve barely touched in the nearly two weeks she’s been staying with me. Besides, she’s here for Oliver, and even though I would love for her to stay, I’m just not sure that’s realistic.

“Me too,” I reply, my eyes meeting hers.

“All of us do,” Coop says, looking down at the sleeping infant in his lap. His left leg is thrown up so his ankle is resting on his right thigh. The position creates a triangle, which is perfect to hold Oliver, who seems as content as ever sleeping on my crew chief’s lap.

“Yeah, we’ll make sure he’s safe,” one of the guys adds, but I’m not really paying much attention. At this point, my eyes are on her, watching her eat, watching the way she interacts with my crew. She’s at complete ease in the setting, which makes me grateful. I’m not sure what I’d do if my personal life clashed with my professional one.

Not that she’s my personal life, but you know what I mean.

You want her to be…

And I do.

I’m just not sure if she’s ready.


The next morning, the track is buzzing. Excitement, anticipation, and adrenaline are coursing through my veins and that of every person here. Mid-Ohio is one of my favorite tracks, and one of my two wins last year. I’d love to take home another victory, and that starts with a good qualifying run.

This is a road course, which, coming from a country boy like me who raced on oval dirt tracks his whole life, took some getting used to. Mid-Ohio has thirteen turns, some elevation changes, high-speed and tight corners, and a damn challenging entry to pit lane. That’s probably my favorite part. I love a good challenge.

We’re in the garage, my team getting ready for this morning’s inspection. My fire suit is on, but only to my waist, so all I have to do is slip my arms inside, zip it up, and I’m ready to go. I’m getting into my zone, channeling my energy into what’s about to come, yet I can’t help but think about the two people hanging back at our hauler site. The motorhome is there with Oliver and Lena inside. They’re going to head this way to watch me qualify. I’m pretty pumped. It’s not the first time I’ve had someone from my past come support me, but I could count on one hand how many times it’s happened. The only person to ever come watch me race was Jim Stanley.

Lena’s dad.

Now his daughter is here for the first time, and I’m not sure what I’m more excited about: the race or her attendance.

As my time draws near, we get ready to head to the track. Coop is with the car and will meet me there along with the rest of the guys. I head to the motorhome and smile the moment I see Lena. She has this weird wrap thing strapped to her chest, and she’s swaying to music coming from her phone. It’s a country song I’ve heard a bunch on the radio, but I’ve never heard it quite like this—slightly off-key and pitchy.

When she turns, that’s when I see Oliver. He’s snug against her abdomen, his head nestled on her chest. I’ll admit, I’m a little jealous of my son right now. What I wouldn’t give to have my head stuffed between her tits, maybe while we’re both wearing less clothes.

“Oh!” Lena holds her hand up to her mouth.

“Sorry, but I didn’t want to interrupt the concert,” I tell her, smirking as I lean against the motorhome door.

Lena rolls her eyes. “Oliver likes to dance,” she tells me with a smile. “Is it time?”

“It is. You ready?”

She heads over to the table and grabs two sets of headphones. One for her, and the smallest pair I’ve ever seen for Oliver. “Can you help me?” she asks, handing me the Copyright 2016 - 2024