Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,18

head to the stairs, to where Fish left her luggage. I quickly check on Oliver to make sure he’s sleeping comfortably and then grab her rolling suitcase. She takes her carry-on bag and follows behind me as we make our way up the stairs.

When we reach the hall, I head to the door on the right. “That one’ll be Oliver’s room one of these days,” I say, pushing open the closed door. “I had planned to use it as a home office, but never really got around to putting it together,” I tell her, noting the boxes and random crap that’s been piled in the room. It’s where I had planned to put a trophy case, but just haven’t gotten around to buying or building anything for it.

“It’ll be a great room,” she tells me, glancing around at the plain white walls and basic beige carpet.

“I guess I’ll be getting a jump on his room sooner, rather than later,” I say, pulling the door shut behind me.

Lena shrugs. “You have time. Most parents put their babies in their room with them for the first few months. At least, that’s what I was reading on some of the parenting blogs. As long as you keep him in his own bed and don’t plan to co-sleep.”

“Oh, hell no. I’m an active sleeper,” I say.

The look on her face lets me know she remembers exactly how fitful I’d always slept back when we shared a bed. “I do recall,” she whispers with a sly grin.

My cock jumps in my shorts, and I do my best to keep her from noticing the sudden appearance of another Lena-fan in the room. Images of her lying in bed—no, don’t go there, man. Picturing her naked and tangled up in the sheets won’t help the situation in your pants.

Like now.

“This one’s yours,” I say, and love the way it feels so damn good to say that. Opening the door, she steps inside the guest room. Fish uses this room when he crashes here, so at least it’s in better shape than the other room. “Fish threw clean sheets on the bed this morning. I think he keeps some clothes in one of the drawers, but you’re welcome to the other ones. The bathroom’s through there. Make yourself at home.” I set her suitcase down on top of the mattress so she has easy access.

“Thanks,” she replies, glancing around.

“Well, I’ll let you get settled. Just call out if you need me.”

She turns back, our eyes meeting once more. “I should be fine.”

And she will be. I leave her in peace to unpack, wondering if this is really a good idea. I could have easily called an agency to send someone to help me. I probably could have hired a nanny by end of day today and not bothered Lena, but when the going got tough, that’s not what I did. Right or wrong, we’re in this together, at least for now.

Until she heads back to Kansas.


“Where have ya been?” one of the members of my pit crew, Johnny, says as I enter the gym at CD Enterprises.

“Around,” I reply with a head nod as I make my way to the locker room to change. Most of my crew is already in the gym, but my crew chief, Ben Cooper, is still hanging near the sinks. “Hey, man,” I say, heading for my locker.

Coop turns his gray eyes on me. He’s nearly ten years older than I am, with two young kids and a wife. I’ve always looked up to Coop and leaned on his expertise when I was a rookie. Now, I not only listen to him as a valuable part of my team, but as my friend. “You holding up?” he asks, the concern evident on his face.

When all this shit went down with social services showing up and handing me my baby, Ben was the first call I made after Fish. He listened, offered his support, and promised we’d get through this together. He’s also the one who made the call to the big boss, Colton. This isn’t exactly something you try to hide from those you’re closest to.

“Not too bad. Got a little more sleep last night than the night before,” I tell him, as I shuck my sweatpants and retie the drawstring on the shorts underneath.

“And the girl?”

I close my locker and turn to face the man who runs my team like a seasoned ship captain. “A huge help. She agreed to stay and Copyright 2016 - 2024