Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,16

kitchen, Mack brings food to the living room. He sets a bowl and glass of lemonade down beside the chair, and when he returns with the second, he places it on the coffee table. “Go ahead and eat,” he says, indicating the food he set beside the rocker recliner.

We’re both silent as we dive in. There are a few things that cross my mind, but I’m not really sure how to ask them. I mean, isn’t it a little awkward to ask your ex about his love life? Not that I want the details or anything—hell no—but if I’m going to be here with him for the next several weeks, shouldn’t I know what to expect?

God, this is going to be uncomfortable…

“So, I have a question,” I start, keeping my eyes on the contents of my bowl.


“Well, I’ve gathered you’re probably not married, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked for my help with Oliver. I guess I’m wondering, and not because I’m just curious, I mean, it’s more of I’m going to be staying here and wanting to know what to expect…”

Deep breath. Yeah, this is hard.

“What do you want to know, Lean?”

My eyes automatically seek him out as he uses the old nickname. “I guess I’m just wanting to know if there’ll be a girlfriend who’s also here with us? Or girlfriends, I guess.” Then another thought hits me. “Hell, maybe just friends with bennies, since, well…”


“I don’t want details,” I spit out quickly. God, this is not going well.

“Lena.” His voice breaks through the noise in my head. When he’s sure he has my attention, he continues, “No girlfriend. Not one, not four. No one will be coming in and out of this house but us. Oh, and probably Fish because that fucker doesn’t understand boundaries. I appreciate what you’re asking, and why.”

“It’s not because I’m jealous,” I state, wishing I could recall the words I just spit out. They only make me sound desperate and, well, jealous.

The corner of his mouth tilts upward. “I know. I get it. But I can assure you, I’m not interested in entertaining right now. I have a lot to focus on with racing and now, Oliver.”

I nod my head, afraid to open my mouth again for fear more word-vomit will be spilling from my lips. But Mack doesn’t seem too fazed by my question, which does make me feel a little better. I’m not stupid enough to believe Mack has been a monk since we split. Hell, the baby sleeping across the room is proof he’s not. In actuality, I’ve not been one either. Not only have I dated in the last three years, but one was serious.

Very serious.

I clear my throat. “Sorry to ask, but I just thought I should know what to expect, you know?”

“Totally get it. Except Fish and sometimes Ben, my crew chief, I don’t have any visitors. I do have a security system I’ll show you how to use. Both of those guys know the code, but while you’re here, I’ll make sure they don’t just walk in and make themselves at home like usual.”

“I don’t want them to have to change anything just because I’m here,” I argue, not wanting to put him or his team out in any way.

Mack sits up straighter, pins me with a look and says, “No, I insist. The last thing I want is either of those assholes to see something they shouldn’t.” He glances down, his face tight. “I’d hate to have to kill my best friends.”

I chuckle at his comment, though when his eyes meet mine, there’s not a single hint of humor. Mack isn’t joking. No, he probably wouldn’t actually kill someone, especially his friends, but the meaning there is clear. He doesn’t want them to see something they shouldn’t. Namely, me. I shouldn’t feel all warm and fuzzy from his comment, but I do. I’m no one’s territory, especially Mack’s, but the idea he’d lose his mind if his friends saw me in a state of undress or in a compromising position does something to the gaping hole in my chest. Makes me feel…special.


Pushing those stupid and unnecessary thoughts out of my mind, I focus back on our dinner. We eat in comfortable silence, Mack grabbing a second heaping bowl of beef and noodles over two rolls. When we’re all done, he pushes his empty bowl away and says, “Thank you for this. I don’t eat a lot of comfort foods. Not by choice, but more for Copyright 2016 - 2024