Grip (The Driven World) - Lacey Black Page 0,100

great opportunity for me to keep driving for CDE for another four years. I’d be a fool not to sign on the dotted line.

But that’s not where my heart is right now.

And that’s why I called Colton fifteen minutes ago and declined his offer. Now that I have Oliver, I need to think about more, about what I want for him and our life. First thing Monday morning, I’ll reach out to a realtor and search for a house.

In Brenton.

“There you are,” Coop says as I enter the garage.

“I’m here.”

“Beth and the kids okay?” he asks.

“Yep. They were just waking Oliver up when I left.” I look at one of my oldest friends, our eyes meeting. “Thank you for everything.” My throat thickens with emotion.

“Ehh, I didn’t do anything,” he says, playing off my gratitude.

“No, man,” I say, reaching over and grabbing his ink pen.

When his eyes meet mine again, it takes him a few seconds, but he seems to understand what I’m saying. “Really?”

I nod. “It’s time. I have Oliver to think about now, Coop. You know what it’s like on the road, and unlike you, I don’t have anyone to share the load. And I’m not really interested in another try at finding a nanny to travel with me,” I say, making him laugh.

“No shit, Cruz. That’s crazy enough for even the most stable man to run for the hills.”

I laugh. “And we both know I’m not always stable.”

“Hey, you said it, not me.”

We laugh together for a second before silence falls around us. “You sure? Like really, really sure? I have to say, Cruz, you’re one of the most talented drivers I’ve ever had the opportunity to work with. You’d be crazy to walk away now, while you’re in your prime.” Before I can say anything, he continues, “But I understand why you’re leaving. If I were in your shoes and I didn’t have Beth, I’d probably make the same decision.”

“Yeah?” I don’t know why but hearing him acknowledge my decision as the right one has me choking on emotions I’d rather keep buried. I’ve never had many friends, but the true ones I do have are all here, wrapped up in this team.

He smiles. “Before you go and make this decision final, maybe you should talk to him,” he says, pointing over my shoulder.

I follow his line of sight and gasp when I see Jim standing along the fence. My feet are already moving, carrying me to where he leans against the chained link, a wide grin on his aged face. “Jim? What are you doing here?” I ask the moment I’m close.

He shrugs. “Thought I’d swing by and see a race,” Jim replies as he pulls me into a hug.

“Swing by? In Virginia?” I laugh.

He lifts his shoulder. “Close enough. So how are you?”

“I’m good,” I state, my throat thick and dry. I can’t help it, I glance around.

For Lena.

If Jim notices my wandering eyes, he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he goes with, “So they were talking on Sports Center about your contract renewal. CDE was rumored to be ready to offer you a good one.”

I give him a slow nod. “They did.”

His eyes fill with pride, a look I never received from my own father. Only Jim Stanley. “Damn, Son, that’s awesome.”

I clear my throat. “Actually, I turned it down.” While I fully anticipated the sadness, I’m surprised by the relief that accompanies saying those words aloud.

“You did?”

Nodding, I say, “It’s the right decision for me. With Oliver so little, I just don’t think this is the right life for us. I think I’ll find a place to live, maybe out in the country somewhere, with a pool.” I can’t help but smile as I think of Lena.

“Sounds like a nice place, Son.” He looks me in the eye and adds, “But maybe you want to talk to her before you make a big decision like that.” He nods to the right, and that’s when I see the most beautiful woman in the world standing about ten feet away. She’s wearing a tight Mack Cruz T-shirt which accentuates her tits and shorts that hit mid-thigh. She looks better than any of the track bunnies who hang around trying to catch drivers’ attention.

She takes a few hesitant steps my way, the corner of her sweet lips turned upward. “Hi.”

“Hey,” I reply, my eyes roaming over her from head to toe. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you,” she says, her smile faltering just Copyright 2016 - 2024