Gray (The Boundarylands #10) - Callie Rhodes Page 0,16

blood drained from her face, leaving behind pure fury. Her scent sharpened with a hatred so raw he knew it came from deep within her, from a place of instinct and her nature.

She began to fight him again, whipping her head from side to side, struggling against his grip with all her strength until Gray gave a roar that made the tops of the redwoods shake.

Only then did she still…for a few seconds, anyway, before she started up again.


This omega was going to be a hell of a lot harder to tame than Gray imagined.

Chapter Seven

Olivia wanted to think she'd won this round with the alpha since she managed to keep struggling against him until his massive knot finally receded, but the victory was a shallow one.

For one thing, she'd torn something in her efforts to wrench herself free. The area between her legs stung like hell, and when she'd explored there with her fingers, they'd come away smeared with blood.

But wounds would heal soon enough.

What wouldn't heal—probably ever—was her pride. Not only had she only started fighting the alpha after fucking him, but now she was slung over his shoulder again, being carried around like a bale of hay.

He was taking her to his least, she thought that's where he was headed. But being carried upside down with her head bumping against a rock-hard shoulder, it was impossible to be certain exactly where he was headed. Once she spotted the sapling growing near the stump of a redwood, however, Olivia knew they'd made it to his front steps.

The alpha opened the unlocked door, and seconds later, Olivia's ass landed hard on the wooden floor.

The bastard hadn't even tried to cushion her landing. The shock to her tailbone radiated through her body, reminding Olivia that she'd used all of her energy on that marathon session of mind-blowing sex.

The alpha, on the other hand, had no such problem. He went straight to the sink and poured himself a glass of water, downing it in one gulp. His easy posture made it appear like he'd already forgotten all about her.

Or maybe he simply didn't care. Why should he? He'd determined she was no threat, gotten his rocks off, and now he had other things to do.

Anger flared up inside Olivia at the thought. Yes, she'd been on his land, but it wasn't her fault, and she didn't want to be there any more than he wanted her there. She was getting sick of being hauled around like an animal carcass only to be tossed aside when he got where he was going.

If only she could somehow go back in time and make a run for it the second he'd grabbed the camera. Or before, for that matter. Hell, Olivia should have run the second the crew had dropped her off—or even when the black government sedan had pulled up in front of her house.

She should have taken off and not stopped until she was somewhere far away. She should've called her mother and told her to disappear, then told the government suit that he could shove his "offer" up his ass.

But shoulds wouldn't do Olivia any good now, and wishing was a waste of time. She knew she couldn't go back. She was well and truly screwed.

The alpha had set down the glass and was headed for the door by the time Olivia managed to get her sorry butt off the floor. She couldn't believe he was leaving her there alone in his house—what happened to his disgust at her presence anywhere on his land?

"I'll be right back," he grumbled at the last moment, his hand on the door. "Don't even think about running."

"Or?" Olivia shot back, too unsettled and angry to make any more credible attempts at submission.

His eyes narrowed. "Or you won't like what happens."

Olivia bit back a snort. As if she'd been so damn happy with everything that had happened so far. Humiliated and dripping wet, naked except for her bra, trapped inside a cabin in the Boundarylands with a torn pussy—yeah, she was really living the dream.

"I liked it better when I thought you were going to kill me."

The alpha didn't even bother replying, slamming the door shut behind him.

Olivia stared at the backside of the door, trying not to give in to the panic that came rushing back on the heels of his departure. She crossed her arms tightly to stop herself from trembling in fear, even though there wasn't anyone around to see.

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