Gravity (Greenford #2) - Romeo Alexander Page 0,7

of reluctance in the man during that final meeting, Charlie had done it all the same.

Maybe he had been unhappy about the circumstances just as much as Caleb had.

“As a matter of fact,” Thomas said, clicking something on the screen. “Your former supervisor told me, and I quote, ‘Caleb Riker is by far the best person I can think of to shape the young minds of those who want to further their education. As an instructor and physical therapist, he possesses more knowledge and empathy in one hand than many of the so-called ‘seasoned veterans’ that I have known. I would count it as a grave error to pass over the opportunity to count him as part of your staff.’ Remarkably powerful words, and as you can tell, convincing.”

Caleb stared resolutely at the floor, nodding his head jerkily. Never once would he have suspected that Charlie had felt anything other than professional respect for him. It was the first undisguised kind thing someone had said to or about him in...well, he honestly couldn’t remember.

“That was,” Caleb managed through a tight throat. “Very kind of him. I hope I can live up to the standard he’s set.”

“I think it’s far more accurate to say that it was a standard you yourself created,” Dean Thomas corrected gently.

“Then I hope I can live up to that as well.”

“With the sort of confidence this recommendation exudes, I’m sure we’ll be more than happy working together. Plus, every college enjoys having one of their former students come back and teach.”

“Circle of life?” Caleb asked.

“More of one of reciprocity.”

Caleb snorted. “The school gave, and you enjoy it when a former student gives back.”

“Well, when you put it like that, it sounds positively heartless,” Dean Thomas chuckled. “In truth, it just makes me feel good to see former students come back. Makes me believe they enjoyed their time here and want to pass on the experience to the next generation or two.”

“Or three. If they make it long enough,” Caleb pointed out.

“Very true. But you would be a nice addition to the young blood we’ve brought in over the past few years. Perhaps Greenford University doesn’t have as many alumni in its faculty as it used to, but it’s growing a little.”

“Just alumni?”

“No, no. We do have some here who also grew up in Greenford, much like yourself. Professor Peters in our English department grew up here, albeit about ten years before you were born. Professor Nadir, physics, is even fresher off the education boat, only finished up his degree last year. Ah, and of course, Professor Harrison, who teaches law, he’s only a few years younger than you, I believe.”

Caleb straightened at that, his shoulders going rigid. “Harrison. Samuel Harrison?”

Dean Thomas’ eyes widened. “Oh, you’re familiar with one another?”

“We are,” Caleb said cautiously. “Though we haven’t spoken in a few years.”

Since their last breakup, to be specific, though Caleb still wasn’t sure if he should count it as a breakup, he wasn’t even sure if they’d been dating. Caleb had been living and working in Portland for over a year when Samuel had shown up. As a favor to a family friend, Samuel had gone out there to live with them and help settle up an estate. He’d been there for almost a year and only a couple of weeks until he reached out and contacted Caleb to tell him he was in town for a while.

Their friendship had been tentative, with Samuel still smarting over their breakup from a few years before and Caleb guilt-ridden over the same. They’d taken things slowly, never quite putting a name to anything, but not denying a title either.

Caleb had been hopeful at first. There were moments where he would swear their friendship, which grew into an intimate relationship, would eventually blossom into something romantic again.

He’d held out for nearly seven months before he’d finally given up.

“Well, that’s delightful,” Dean Thomas said, beaming. “Perhaps we could contact him to give you a tour if you’d like. A friendly, familiar face to show you the sights.”

Caleb put on his best polite and hopefully assuring smile. There was no way in hell he was going to have Samuel be the one to show him around, but he also didn’t want to run the risk of making this nice and very generous man think that there was a potential problem waiting in the wings between his staff. No, he would have to deal with Samuel eventually, but he didn’t want to do Copyright 2016 - 2024