Gravity (Greenford #2) - Romeo Alexander Page 0,39

early afternoon.

Samuel jabbed a fork in the man’s direction accusingly. “I’m never taking you on one of my Wednesday lunches again.”

Lucas grinned, and to Samuel’s assessment, it looked evil. “Hey, you’re the one who brought me along and then told me that your ex slept with you.”

“In my house, not my bed,” Samuel protested.

“You had a night of drinking with your ex. Then you took him back to your house. And he slept there.”

“What? I’m not supposed to be nice to my ex? You yourself said the guy is probably having a hard time. What kind of friend would I be if I just let him blow more money than he needed to?”

Lucas wiped his mouth, setting the napkin on the table between them. “The same ex who you apparently have a very storied history with, and from the sounds of it, a lot of unresolved issues.”

“They’re not issues,” Samuel complained. “We’re not sitting around, wasting our time wondering about the past, for God’s sake.”

He wasn’t surprised when Lucas continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “So you decide to spend the night with him, rehashing old times, the good times, and he stayed the night. Right, that’s not a thing that should be talked about at all, nope.”

“I knew I should have slept with your brother when I had the chance,” Samuel grumbled, stabbing a stray piece of spinach. “That would have kept you from ever talking to me.”

“No, it wouldn’t, first off. Secondly, your window of opportunity is up, so don’t start planning on trying it out.”

“Why? Get himself someone?”

“He’s...working his way up to it, I think,” Lucas shrugged. “At least that’s what our mom told me. Some professor.”

“A nerd and a stripper, who would have thought?” Samuel said with a grunt.

“A professor is not the same thing as a nerd.”

“Fine, a geek. Trust me, scratch a professor, find a geek. Every single one of them.”

Lucas rolled his eyes. “And you’re changing the subject.”

“Am not,” Samuel lied.

“Are too.”


Lucas leaned forward, smirking. “So, you did all those things and now you don’t want to talk about it?”

“Why are we psychoanalyzing me?” Samuel growled. “I wanted to have a nice lunch with you.”

“And later tonight you’ll be going to his place.”

“To help him.”

“Mmm, and not spend time with him?”

“Isn’t that what friends do? Spend time with one another? Although at the moment, I’m starting to think that’s a little overrated.”

“Weren’t you ‘friends’ the last time you saw him?”

Samuel hesitated. “Uh, not really. Though I guess we kind of called it that. Never was any real talk of anything else.”

“Friends that spent their free time around each other constantly, talked about their lives and troubles, and also happened to frequently share a bed?”

Samuel chewed slowly, narrowing his eyes. “I know what you’re aiming at, Lucas, and now and then are not the same.”

“True, you’re not sleeping together,” Lucas admitted. “Yet.”

Samuel rolled his eyes. “You’re already betting on us sleeping together?”

Lucas watched him closely. “So there’s been no...moments, being turned on, being attracted to the other...near misses?”

Samuel found himself presented with two options, neither of which seemed all that attractive in his mind. Either he could lie to his friend’s face, which was something he was loathed to do, especially when avoiding having to speak the truth in the first place was his go-to tactic for awkward topics. On the other hand, telling Lucas the truth would just go toward supporting his growing theory, and Samuel didn’t like that a whole lot either.

But there really was only one choice because even avoiding it would be an answer.

“He’s a good-looking man and I’m only human,” Samuel grumbled into his plate.


“And I’m undersexed, which you should know. Since you cling to your heterosexuality like a drowning man does to a raft.”

Lucas barely avoided rolling his eyes. “And?”

Samuel groaned, knowing what his friend was looking for. “And I know for the fact that the sex between us is...absolutely amazing?”

“Getting closer, why don’t you try one more time. I’m sure you’ll get it this time.”

Samuel glared. “Sarcasm is very unbecoming of a lady, I hope you know that.”

Lucas flipped him off. “Sam.”

He sighed. “Because there’s a definite history there between us and a near miss means there’s a chance we could fall back into old habits.”

Lucas smiled. “Was that so hard?”


“Fair enough. But I think you’re only mostly right on that, not completely.”

Samuel cocked his head. “How so?”

Lucas waited until the server had set their bill down and walked away before continuing. “There is a history, and Copyright 2016 - 2024