Gravity (Greenford #2) - Romeo Alexander Page 0,26

outfit for any occasion, and his hair wasn’t so crazy that it wouldn’t be presentable either.

Pleased at finally pushing himself into action, he left the tiny bathroom, walking out into the small hallway that was made even more cramped by the boxes stacked against one side. After a moment’s consideration, he backed up toward the bedroom, leaned in and grabbed the bottle of cologne off the dresser beside the door.

It was the same cologne he’d used for the past couple of years and as he opened the cap, he hesitated before spritzing it on himself. There was another one on the dresser, one he hadn’t touched in a few years, and his eyes fell on it as he considered whether or not to wear that one instead.

“Jesus,” Sam hissed when Caleb walked past him to enter the other man’s apartment.

Caleb turned, raising a brow as he pushed his shoes off his feet. “Something wrong?”

“What are you wearing?” Sam asked sharply as he closed the door.

Caleb looked down at himself in confusion. He wasn’t wearing anything he wouldn’t normally wear when he went to class. Greenford could get a little chilly during the autumn, so he’d grabbed a light jacket, but it was nothing special. Otherwise, it was the same long sleeve shirt and jeans combination that was perfect for the time of year.

“Clothes?” Caleb finally said, standing upright.

With a sudden burst of movement, Sam was in front of him, pushing Caleb against the wall. They’d been dating a few months, but Caleb still found himself mildly surprised whenever Sam used his strength for something. The other man only came up to Caleb’s chin, and he wasn’t a hulking bag of muscles, but there was a lot of strength in the man’s solid frame.

“No,” Sam said, voice low in his throat where it vibrated. He leaned forward, nostrils flaring as he breathed deep at Caleb’s chest. “What are you wearing?”

“Oh,” Caleb said, watching the other man in surprise. “I picked up some new cologne when I went out with Terry and Alice the other day. I thought it smelled good.”

“It smells amazing,” Sam murmured, taking another deep breath.

Amazing might have been one word Sam could have used, but considering what Caleb could feel pressing against his thigh, he thought a few other adjectives would be appropriate. Heat flushed through him as he realized Sam was skipping past seduction and throwing himself completely into trying to get laid now.

It was even more apparent when he felt his shirt pulled up to his chest as Sam tugged at it. “And about these clothes? They’re just not doing it for me right now.”

“I can see that,” Caleb said with a low laugh.

“Less talk,” Sam growled.

“Yes, sir,” Caleb hummed, grabbing the man’s face and kissing him as Sam somehow managed to drag them both to the hallway floor.

He stared at the cologne bottle in his hand for a moment longer. Clearing his throat, he set it back on the dresser and grabbed the other bottle. Ever since his last relationship with Sam, Caleb hadn’t worn the scent in the chunky black glass bottle. His ex-husband had hated the scent almost as much as Sam had loved it, so Caleb had simply shelved it.

After another moment of hesitation, he spritzed it lightly on his neck before putting it on the dresser. Without thinking too hard about why he’d just done that, he spun and walked out into the living room, grabbing his keys from the bowl beside the door and heading out.

Caleb pulled his car into a parking spot just as he spotted Sam sliding out of his own car. Once more, he was reminded that some things just simply didn’t change. Punctuality had been something the both of them had always agreed readily on and it looked like Sam had continued the habit even after he and Caleb had gone their separate ways.

“Hey,” Sam said brightly when Caleb walked over to him. “I see you’re still as punctual as ever.”

Caleb snorted. “I was just thinking that about you, actually.”

“Mmm, great minds and all that,” Sam said, spinning his keys around one finger.

Caleb took the opportunity to look the other man over as he turned to glance at the restaurant. Sam had never been a particularly flashy dresser and typically wore things that fit him well but weren’t overly snug. It looked like that hadn’t changed, though his jeans certainly were hugging him better than ever before, which Caleb thought was an accomplishment as he’d always Copyright 2016 - 2024