Gravity (Greenford #2) - Romeo Alexander Page 0,15

I’ll see you around on campus?” Samuel said, his voice sounding false in its brightness.

“I’m sure we’ll cross paths,” Caleb said, taking a step back. “We always seem to.”

Samuel didn’t even know where to begin to deal with the implications of that.

“Take care of yourself, Caleb,” he said instead.

“You too, Sam.”

Lucas slid back into the seat across from Samuel, placing their drinks before him. He busied himself with his glass as Samuel stared down at his. Neither of them watched as Caleb went back into the building rather than take the table he’d been assigned, even if Samuel did make note of it.

Samuel had no idea what he was supposed to think about the sudden appearance of Caleb. In some ways, he supposed it felt almost right, considering he’d been thinking about Caleb again recently. At the same time, he pushed the idea away, refusing to allow himself to think it was some sort of cosmic sign and intervention. That was an easy theory to fall in love with, far too seductive in its promise, especially because he and Caleb had always been complicated and difficult when together.

“So,” Lucas finally said, breaking the silence as he stirred his drink. “You want to talk about the insanely awkward situation that just happened, or do you want to pretend it didn’t but also get drunk enough to forget about it for a little while?”

Samuel looked up from his drink with a grin. “God, that second option sounds so appealing.”

“Well,” Lucas held up his drink. “Here’s to a far longer night than we planned, a painful bill to pay, and a drunk Uber ride back to our houses.”

“I’ll happily drink to that,” Samuel said, thankful to have the distraction.


As much as Caleb had been worried about the arrival of Monday, marking his first day on the job, he was thankful for the excuse not to have to deal with unpacking. When he’d been forced to move across the country, Caleb had honestly believed he’d lost almost everything in the messy divorce proceedings. What he hadn’t been able to bring with him, in his old car, he’d paid to have shipped back to Greenford and had wanted to cry at the cost.

When the truck had arrived, Caleb had wondered how he’d ever thought he’d lost so much. Then, how he could have possibly had any more. The country crossing truck had been filled to the brim and he’d known immediately it wasn’t all going to fit in his tiny apartment.

Which started the process of going through everything and figuring out what to keep and what to get rid of. Unpacking and organizing was already a task he didn’t relish, but it had been ground down to a glacial crawl in the face of the extra work he’d given himself. By the time Monday morning rolled around, he was eager to do more than just go through boxes and painstakingly sort his possessions into ‘keep’ and ‘get rid of’ categories.

And he’d still have to put away all of the things he was keeping.

So once again, he found himself waiting in the room outside the dean’s office. The desk beside the office door was empty, though Caleb knew it was too early for a break for the petite woman he’d seen sitting behind it last week. Without a way to alert the dean he was there, Caleb had taken a position in one of the armchairs and waited for someone to come along.

He was left to sit for almost a half-hour before the door to the dean’s office opened and the older man appeared. Dean Thomas stopped when he saw Caleb sitting in one of the chairs, confusion and then realization flashing across his features.

“Oh. I’m so sorry,” Dean Thomas rushed out, shaking his head. “I completely forgot I was supposed to be arranging your tour today.”

Caleb stood with a polite smile. “No need to apologize, sir. I know you’re a busy man and have a lot on your plate.”

The older man sighed. “Particularly as of late. Ah, well, as they say, when it rains, it pours.”

Caleb heard a buzzing coming from the office and saw the faint grimace on the dean’s face. “Well, sir, if you’re busy, I can understand if you need to deal with business. I can certainly give myself a tour.”

“Yes, you mentioned you could,” the dean said, looking unsure. “But I would feel better if you were given an up-to-date tour. Though…”

“I would understand if you were unable to give it Copyright 2016 - 2024