Grave Peril (The Dresden Files #3) - Jim Butcher Page 0,140

the fire, her eyes dark and wide, the whites filled in with black. I watched her shudder and close her eyes. When she opened them again, they were normal once more, blurred with tears.

Within the confines of my spell, the screams stopped. Now there were only cracklings. Poppings. The sound of overheated marrow boiling, bursting out of bone.

I turned away, toward the door, and said, "Let's go."

Susan and Justine followed me.

I led them through the basement. It was large and unfinished and damp. The room outside the washroom had a large drain in the center of the floor. There were corpses, there. Children from the masquerade. Others, dressed in rags and castoff clothes. The missing street people.

I stopped long enough to send my senses questing out over them, but there was no stirring of breath, no faint pulse of heartbeat. The corpses showed no lividity at all. The floor lay damp beneath our feet, and a hose still ran out a trickle of water, to one side.

Dinner had already been served.

"I hate them," I said. My voice rang out too loud, in that room. "I hate them, Susan."

She said nothing, in answer.

"I'm not going to let them keep this up. I've tried to stay out of their way before. I can't, now. Not after what I've seen."

"You can't fight them," Justine whispered. "They're too strong. There are too many of them."

I held up a hand, and Justine fell silent. I tilted my head to one side, and heard a faint thrumming, at the very edges of my magical perception. I stalked across the room, around the bodies, to an alcove in the wall.

Cheap shelving had been installed in the alcove, and on the shelves sat my shield bracelet, my blasting rod, and Bob's skull, still in its fishnet sack. Even as I approached, the skull's eyes flared to life.

"Harry," Bob said. "Stars and skies, you're all right!" He hesitated for a second, and then said, "And looking grim. Even dressed in boxers with yellow duckies on them."

I glanced down, and did my best to picture a vampire wearing boxers with yellow duckies. Or a wizard wearing yellow duckies, for that matter. "Bob," I said.

Bob whistled. "Wow. Your aura is different. You look a lot like"

"Shut up, Bob," I said, my voice very quiet.

He did.

I put on my bracelet, and took up my rod. I scanned around and found my staff wedged into a corner, and took it out as well. "Bob," I asked. "What is all my stuff doing here?"

"Oh," Bob said. "That. Well. Bianca got the idea, somewhere, that your stuff might explode if anyone messed around with it."

I heard the wryness in my voice, though I didn't feel it. "She did, did she."

"I can't imagine how."

"I'm doubling your pay." I took Bob's skull and handed it back to Justine. "Carry this. Don't drop it."

Bob whistled. "Hey, cutie. That's a real nice red cloak you got there. Will you let me see the lining?"

I swatted the skull on the way past, drawing an outraged, "Ow!" from Bob.

"Stop goofing around. We're still inside Bianca's, and we still have to get out." I frowned, and glanced at Justine, then swiftly, left and right. "Where's Susan?"

Justine blinked. "She was right here behind" She turned, staring.

Water dripped.

Silence reigned.

Justine started trembling like a leaf. "Here," she whispered. "They're here. We can't see them."

"What's this 'we' stuff, kimosabe," Bob muttered. The skull spun about in its fishnet sack. "I don't see any veils, Harry."

I swept my eyes left and right, gripping my blasting rod. "Did you see her leave? Or anyone take her?"

Bob coughed. "Well. Truth be told, I was looking at Justine's luscious little"

"I get the point, Bob."


I shook my head, irritated. "They snuck in, under a veil maybe. Grabbed Susan and went. Why the hell didn't they stick around? Just put a knife in my back? Why didn't they take Justine, too?"

"Good questions," Bob said.

"I'll tell you why. Because they weren't here. They couldn't have just carried Susan off that easy. Not now."

"Why not?" Bob asked.

"Trust me. She'd be a handful. They couldn't do it without making a fuss, which we'd notice."

"Assuming you're right," Bob said, "why would she just walk away?"

Justine glanced back at me, and licked her lips. "Bianca could make her. I've seen her do it. She made Susan walk into the laundry room on her own."

I grunted. "Looks like Bianca's been hitting the books, Bob."

"Vampire wizard," Bob said. "Black magic. Could be very tough."

"So can I. Justine, stay behind Copyright 2016 - 2024