Grant's Flame (Shark's Edge #5) - Angel Payne Page 0,20

by half. His powerful poise, leonine grace, and sensual self-awareness were like catnip to this starving kitty.

He finally opened his eyes, and I fell into the blue pools. My breathing kicked up as I watched him assess me from head to toe. My sexual frustration was a living, breathing thing between us on the plush bed.

“Blaze,” he almost moaned, and an audible gasp tumbled from my lips in response.

Without embarrassment, he freed the hand that had been between his head and pillow and reached into the elastic band of his shorts and palmed his erection. It was impossible to miss in the soft, yielding fabric of his athletic shorts, but I had been doing my level best to not let my eyes drift below his collar. Now, he was drawing a giant neon arrow down there.

I gasped again. His groan was doubly gruff as before, especially as he blatantly gripped himself. As I watched, rapt and hypnotized.

“Baby, I’m sorry, but I’m dying here. All I can think about is the heat of your pussy around my cock. Lying this close to you without touching you…” He flared his nostrils when he inhaled and said, “Shit, I will beg if it means feeling you again.” With eyes as dark as the midnight ocean, he studied me.

I was frozen where I lay, so unsure about the right thing to do.

Finally, I rasped, “Show me.” The two words were all I could manage through the thick lust constricting my throat.

“What?” he asked and then swallowed so roughly I almost burst into flames watching his throat contract with masculine power. “Show you what?” he asked then, maybe wanting to make sure he wasn’t falsely hoping I’d said something I didn’t.

“I want to watch you come. I want to see you grip yourself and get yourself off.”

One side of his luscious mouth inched up. “Are you sure you don’t want to help?”

“No,” I answered, meeting his hungry look with a matching one of my own. “You.”

“What about you? What will you be doing while I beat off for you, Rio?”

I shrugged. The details of my brazen plan weren’t that thought out. I just knew I wanted to push him to his limit. But wanting to seem like more of a vixen than that, I said, “I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll use my mouth just before you come. I haven’t decided yet.”

He tugged his shorts and boxers down before helping me shimmy the bed’s comforter down to the floor.

“Where do you want me? Beside you? Over you? Tell me.” He fisted his shaft aggressively and began stroking. “Wet my hand.” He held his palm out to me, leaving the how for me to decide. God, I could barely unscramble my thoughts enough to take action.

“Rio,” he said in the darker timbre his voice naturally shifted to in the bedroom. “Help me.” He thrust his upturned palm closer, so I leaned in and licked his upturned hand from the tip of his middle finger to the fleshy part of his palm. I kept my eyes pinned to his while I hovered over the center and let as much saliva that I could quickly pool together slowly dribble from my mouth to his receiving hand.

“Fucking hell, woman,” he groaned and then inspected my deposit. He added more of his own spit to the small amount on his palm and coated it over his cock. The tight skin was slick and shiny from our combined efforts, and he began roughly stroking. The muscles in his forearm bunched and flexed as he moved from the base to the full crown.

The image would be burned in my memory for all time. A visual treasure I would likely use to pleasure myself from here on.

“Holy shit,” I whispered, momentarily concerned I would have an orgasm of my own from just watching the erotic show in front of me. Impulsively, I pulled my shirt up and over my head and then reached for the clasp of my bra at the center of my spine. He had purchased some beautiful lingerie for me to wear, and I currently wore a matching set in bloodred lace and satin.

“No,” Grant growled. “Leave it on.” His greedy gaze swept my body from top to bottom several times before he added, “I love that color against your pale skin. Fuck…yes!”

The last of it groaned by my sexy lover as I scratched my fingernails up and down his thigh. To ensure I didn’t miss one moment of his pleasure, Copyright 2016 - 2024