Grace and Glory (The Harbinger #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,142

what was left of Johnny-Boy and carried him out of the room.

The smell was slow to follow.

“I’m getting some air freshener,” Roth grumbled, stalking out the room. “And disinfectant.”

“Do you think any of the names he gave you will know where Gabriel or Bael is?”

Lucifer appeared to consider that. “I’m going to be honest with you all. Like I always am,” Lucifer said, and I fought to not roll my eyes. “I may have overestimated in my earlier confidence when it comes to rooting out their location. I have serious doubts that anyone knows where those two are. So, whatever plan you have to draw him out better work.”

And with that, Lucifer sauntered out of the room.

“What was your plan again?” Cayman asked.

“Draw him out by challenging his ego,” Zayne explained.

“There is plan B,” I reminded him.

“Plan B is not on the table.”

“It’s not off the table, either.” Dragging my gaze from the spot the man had fallen, I turned to Jada. “You okay?”

She nodded.

“If I’d known he was going to be doing that, I wouldn’t have brought you,” I told her.

Jada looked up at me. “I mean, you were bringing me to Lucifer. Not like I expected him to be knitting.”

“He does like to do that, but with human skin,” Cayman decided to share with us. “By the way, I’m Cayman. Your friends suck at introductions.”

“Jada,” she said.

Roth returned with air freshener. Layla was with him, carrying a WetJet and a tub of disinfectant wipes.

“Heads-up,” Zayne said to him as Layla got down to scrubbing the floor. “Those angel blades? They’re missing.”

Roth stopped midspray. “What?”

As Zayne and Roth went down that road of whether or not a Warden would’ve taken the blades, Jada finally rose and wandered over to one of the windows. I didn’t realize she was even listening to the conversation until she said, “You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if a Warden did take them.”

Everyone turned to her.

“I don’t know you,” Roth said. “But I like you.”

She looked a little uncomfortable. “What I’m thinking is that I wouldn’t be surprised if a Warden took them and hid them. I mean, most Wardens aren’t...friendly with demons, and even though that seems to be, uh, different here... No judgment,” she was quick to add. “But I imagine not every Warden here is on board with that.”

“They’re not,” Layla confirmed, looking over at Zayne. “You know that.”

He blew out a heavy breath and nodded. “I could see one of them thinking the blades were safer stowed away where Gideon or Nic wouldn’t know where they were.”

“Or they want to use them against one of us,” Roth stated. “Those blades need to be found.”

“We’ll add that to our ever-growing list of things that need to be done,” Zayne commented.

Roth looked around the room, frowning. “Where is Lucifer?”

“I think he’s in the living room.” I yawned. “Back to watching Supernatural, I guess.”

“Huh. Kind of like parenting a really annoying toddler, I imagine,” Roth replied.

Layla closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I don’t think today can get any weirder.”

“Um, guys?” Jada was staring out the window. “I think there is a legion of actual demons out here, playing...badminton? With a...” She took a step back from the window. “They’re playing with that dude’s head. The dude Lucifer de-skinned.” She faced us. “They’re actually playing badminton, using that dude’s head as a shuttlecock.”

We all turned to Layla.

“Sorry,” she said, opening her eyes. “I’m never speaking again.”

* * *

It was strange that after what we’d seen Lucifer do, we were able to sit down and eat an early dinner at one of the restaurants in the city.

I didn’t know what that said about the three of us, but I was glad that I got to spend more time with Jada. We caught up, chatting about non-Harbinger-related things, and it was nice seeing her and Zayne interact.

It felt normal.

It felt like a future, and even though Zayne’s and my future wouldn’t be easy considering the whole aging thing, it made me feel good. I held on to that feeling after returning Jada to the compound and while Zayne and I walked the city, hoping to draw out one of Gabriel’s goons.

“What were you thinking you’d want for breakfast?” Zayne asked as we walked past several shops closed for the night.

I’d made plans to meet up with Jada and Ty for breakfast. That was if they weren’t still fighting. I doubted that they would be. I knew that they’d have to return to Copyright 2016 - 2024