Good To Be Bad (Good Love #3) - Lili Valente Page 0,66

adding with a soft smile, “And I love that you insist you aren’t running late even when you are. And that you refuse to stress even when you probably should. And that you look down your nose at bankers, even though you used to be one, and that you are very snotty about socks.”

I hug her closer. “My feet demand a certain standard of heel cushioning and reinforcement.”

“I know they do,” she says. “And I love that you insist on getting what you need, even when it means leaving for your morning run when I’d rather you stay in bed and snuggle.” She sighs and her brows pinch together. “I just…wanted you to know. That I love you like that. And that I’m kind of hoping you might love me the same way.”

Before I can insist that I adore every fucking thing about her from her poise, loyalty, intelligence, and killer sex-appeal to the way she leaves empty coffee cups all over the house and constantly misplaces her purse, Mr. Skips returns to the microphone. “All right, we’re all sorted! In second place is West Byron.”

I freeze, then blink.



If things pan out the way I think they have, this is actually quite good.

As if reading my mind, a wide-eyed Gigi lifts her crossed fingers between us.

“And the winner, for her absolutely incredible, sinfully delicious chocolate indulgence molten cake, is”—Mr. Skips takes a dramatic beat—“Willow Thompson.”

“Oh, my.” Gigi claps her hand over her mouth, clearly thrilled. Then as she joins in the applause echoing through the garden, she glances up at me. “You’re not upset, are you?”

I shake my head. “Couldn’t be less upset, in fact. You?”

She beams. “No. Not a bit. She totally deserves this. One hundred percent.”

As soon as the clapping and cheering dies down a little, Gigi takes my hand and pulls me over to Willow, throwing her arms around the dog-loving cupcake baker. “I’m so happy for you! You’re going to be an incredible Mrs. Sweets.”

“Thank you. I can’t quite believe it yet,” Willow says in an awed voice. “I never expected I might actually win.”

Gigi smiles. “I did. You’re an incredible baker. And your cupcakes are the best in the city. We should celebrate! You want to get lunch tomorrow?”

“I would love to,” says the once shy, still shy, but now bolder woman.

When a beaming older couple—Willow’s parents I’m guessing—whisk her away for pictures with Mr. Skips, I guide Gigi to a quiet corner of the garden, gather her into my arms, and return all my attention to her. “What’s come over you, woman? Where’s my ruthless competitor? My Scrabble destroyer?” I ask with a laugh.

She shrugs coquettishly then leans closer, whispering just for me. “Oh, she’s here. She’s definitely here.” Her tone turns serious, a touch emotional. “And I was really upset to be disqualified, but I didn’t want to let that keep me from being present for the people I care about. Like Willow. And you. Especially you. You’re so...good, West. Honestly, sometimes I think I don’t deserve you.”

I furrow my brow. “Nonsense. Stop that. That’s not true.”

She presses her hand to my chest. “No, I want to say this. I can be foolish and silly sometimes.”

“Silly in a good way,” I insist.

Her lips quirk. “Thanks, but silly in a bad way, too. I know that. That’s just…part of who I am. Sometimes I’m going to make embarrassing mistakes or have it less together than I’d like. And I will probably never be as cool as you are.”

I start to scoff again, but she continues, “I hope that’s okay. I want to be open and honest with you. I just want to be…me. And for you to be you. And to know we’ll forgive each other when we fall short and maybe even love each other more for it.”

My heart soars. I came to New York determined to keep my dating life casual and uncomplicated. But that determination is long gone. I want complicated. I want happy and sad, rain and shine, good and bad with this woman.

“I want all of those things, with you and only with you. Always with you.” I run my knuckles along her cheek. “And I think you’re the cool one.”

She huffs. “Yeah?”

“The fucking coolest.” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “You’re wonderful, even when you’re messy.”

Her smile looks like she’s starting over, learning to let go. “Thank you. I’m going to do a better job of that—being okay with a little mess. I hear it makes you Copyright 2016 - 2024