Going Under_ A Bill Roberts Thriller - Silas Payton Page 0,62

unmarked police car came flying down the street, pulling into an empty spot half a block down. A man got out that the doctor assumed must have been Inspector Bill Roberts, but from this distance, it was hard to confirm. Instead, the guy who stumbled out of the car looked like a wreck. He looked like he'd been brought back from the dead.

What on earth is that guy wearing? Blue sunglasses and a cut off T-shirt -- exposing half his gut!?? Is that a bloody halter-top? Is that even a guy?

The man started walking. Then stopped. He put his hand behind his back and started shaking his exposed gut around.

What the hell is he doing? What has happened to him? He looks pathetic.

The Inspector walked closer, then stopped once again, reached behind his back and shook his belly.

The doctor could not believe his eyes. He strained to confirm what he was seeing.

What does his shirt say?

Biggest Loser? This is too much.

Why would Mr. Manchesi give a crap about this guy?

He watched in amazement as the cop made his way into the cafe and sat down across from Bethany. The waitress came and went and the two seemed to be talking.

Presumably she was still under hypnosis. He took his cell phone and entered Bethany's number. He watched from across the street, as she bent over, the signal working. He knew she'd now be looking for the knife.

Seconds later Bethany was swinging, the cop was ducking, and the two were on the ground.

What's happening. I can't see.

Then the cop got up.

What's the cop doing standing up? That useless bimbo can't do anything right!

He was half tempted to go in and finish the job himself. Instead, he waited. A few minutes later the girl came running out the front door...

...followed shortly after by the cop!

I may be able to finish this and be on my way.

He started his car and put it in gear.

Chapter 64

Rick Evans

Evans was trying to pass a delivery truck and using as many swear words as he could think of. He was hoping that if he swore enough, the driver would sense it and move over. He didn't like the thought of Bill being on his own. Not long ago, he wasn't sure Bill could even make it out of the hospital. He also didn't like the idea of him having a meeting on his own.

Cathy was next to him giving directions, using the tracking app on his cell phone.

"It's eleven now and we're five minutes away. We won't make the start of the meeting, but it might be better if we don't announce our presence anyway. The Inspector was very specific in his instructions."

"I'll take responsibility if he's upset. But he's in the wrong on this one and I'm sure once he gets some sleep, he'll agree," Evans said.

He tried to pass the truck again and saw why it was going so slow. There was a group of protesters in front of City Hall blocking traffic. "I didn't hear about any planned protests. Did you?"

"I have a feeling I know what it's about," she said. "I think we better turn off onto a side street."

Traffic crawled and before they could turn off, their police car was spotted.

"There's one there!" one of the protesters shouted.

Within a minute, there were twenty protesters surrounding their car yelling and waving a variety of signs:

Stop Police Brutality

Step Out of Line...You'll Suffer the Consequences!

Stop Police Rule

He looked at Cathy and said, "There's no way we're going anywhere fast."

Chapter 65

The Doctor

Dr. Nelson was ready with his car in gear.

Bethany had almost made it to her vehicle and the Inspector was trying to reach her. The cop was in the middle of the road, trying to unclip his weapon, clearly struggling. He was twenty feet from Bethany and closing, although he wasn't closing fast.

The doctor knew this was his only chance to finish what he started, and stay on the good side of the mafia. He had only one option...

He hit the gas and drove out onto the street.

Bethany had stopped at her car and looked back, bewildered, at the cop. Bill Roberts had stopped in the street and was talking to her.

An easy target.

The doctor was barreling down on the cop.

He was heading straight at the Inspector when something hit the windshield in front of him.

There was a sudden punch to his chest like a brick had hit him. And then another one. Suddenly the windshield shattered in front of him, sending glass into his

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