Gods of Blood and Fire - A. J. Strickler Page 0,46

bad news this week.” Blackthorn pushed his chair into the huge table and picked up his cloak. “As for the two guards, they are now on their way to the Bluff. I asked the King if they could take a message there for me as well as the King’s decrees on my new titles and the deeds to the lands Talorn and I have recently acquired.” He leaned close to the Bishop’s ear. “I don’t think those two will be leaving the Bluff, not alive anyway.” Lyfair could only step back and look at the new duke.

The Bishop was shocked by how glib the man was about murder. “God help you, William.”

“He already has, Father, he already has.

Cain sat down at the desk in the King’s office. He would have to change the décor in here, there were too many reminders of his father. He didn’t want anything around that made people remember the weak old man. It was just an irritation he would have to put up with for now. Talorn had followed him in and closed the door.

His general sat down in a chair opposite him. Cain looked at him, “Okay, let’s hear it.”

“Do you remember Morgan Galnic?”

“I do,” the King said. “He was one of the boys that attended riding class with us all those years ago. We spent the summer pretending we were knights. I remember it well. Why?”

“I thought he would be a good choice as a junior officer. I helped him train for the last tournament. He is from a noble family and he’s a good man. I thought of giving him a commission.”

Cain put his feet on his father’s old desk and looked at the ceiling. “Well, Morgan won’t be available to aid you, Talorn. He and his family were among some of the nobles that questioned my right to rule right after father died. They came to the palace and complained that Raygan had been named successor and they supported Father’s insane decree. So I had the whole lot imprisoned. Morgan was among the dissidents. You’ll just have to find someone else.”

“Oh, I didn’t know,” Talorn said hanging his head.

Cain put his feet back on the floor and looked at his friend knowingly. “Was there something else?”

“Have you talked to her yet?”

“No, I haven’t and I don’t intend to anytime soon. If you want to tell her about your impending nuptials, you tell her. If you hadn’t noticed, I have been a little busy.”

Talorn shook his head. “I know you have been occupied with state business, Majesty, and I would talk to her. I just think it should come from her brother the King, besides she ordered me not to come back to see her.”

Cain stood. “Why do you listen to her? I think you are afraid of a tiny fifteen-year-old girl.”

“I am not afraid of anything, Majesty, I just think you should be the one to break the news.”

Cain folded his arms and smiled. “It’s not like she can say no. She will marry who I choose, it’s her duty.”

“I don’t think she will take it well coming from me,” Talorn said.

Cain laughed. “And you think she will be more accepting if I tell her? I nearly killed her a few days ago.” The two men looked at each other and smiled. Both realized neither wanted to talk to the Princess.

“My pardon, Majesty, I must admit I’m a bit nervous, you know my history with women.”

Cain smirked. “You have no history with women. Look Talorn, I know Raygan, whoever tells her she won’t take it well. We need a neutral party to break the news and absorb her initial fury, make no mistake there will be a tantrum. Then after she calms down, you can speak with her about it. Why you want to marry her in the first place is what I would like to know, the girl is a selfish tart.”

“Majesty, please stop insulting her. At least in front of me, I beg you. I have loved Raygan for a long time I just … well you know I have a hard time talking to women. Once we’re together though I think she will come around she’s still young and…” Talorn saw Cain grinning at him. The knight stopped talking, realizing he had been speaking his thoughts.

The new King shook his head and folded his arms across his chest. “I know you must love the little beast, just remember I warned you. Now try to think of someone we

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