Gods of Blood and Fire - A. J. Strickler Page 0,272

I say what is important and what is not.”

Blackthorn fell to the ground, staring at the young monarch. The Prince had gone completely mad. Cain walked away from him without a backwards glance. This whole battle had gone wrong. The best thing he could do was to try to find a battle surgeon. William began to crawl away, holding his belly as the sounds of battle grew louder.

Kian fought on, among a sea of dead bodies. They were stacked as high as his knees in front of the gatehouse. He fell and tripped over them even with his inhuman balance.

The poison that was still in his system had caused him to reach the limits of his endurance. Yet, he fought on. He was on his knees now wallowing in the carnage. The enemy came at him slowly and very timid but they still came.

Rhys and the Queen watched as he fought. The Half Elf’s muscles shook with exhaustion and the speed of his blade was near that of a normal human. The healer knew Kian couldn’t last much longer. “Raygan, I love you. I have since the day I first saw you. Forgive me, but I can’t stand here and watch this anymore.”

“No, Rhys. You’ll be killed.” The Queen grabbed his arm, but the healer pulled away from her. “Stay with Isabella. I have done what I can for her.” Picking up a fallen sword he went to stand with his friend.

Kian heard him and turned, looking at Rhys through the blood-soaked hair that hung in his face. “Get back inside, Rhys, you can do no good out here.” The swordsman growled. The healer thrust his sword wildly at the enemy troops doing the best he could to try and defend the Half Elf.

A spear flew through the air, hitting the young healer in the hip. He fell to the ground, clutching the wound.

Kian surged to his feet and stood over the fallen healer. He looked like a nightmare covered in the viscera of his enemies.

“You shall not have this man,” he said coldly looking into the eyes of bewildered soldiers. None of them had even heard of what they were witnessing here.

Kian dropped to one knee, his legs were weary, but the dragon heart still beat strong in his chest. He forced himself to stand on shaking legs. “I will kill every one of you if I must, before I let you have these people.”

The soldiers could see Kian was growing weak, the last of the men that had helped defend the Queen were dead and the Half Elf stood alone now. As they were about to attack, a great shout startled them. It had come from the heart of the city. A beast had awoken. The people of Turill were coming to save the Queen.

Thousands of citizens, with everything from hammers to pitchforks, butcher knives to hunting bows, came charging from the Great Market. The howling mob came on the run. They flew into Cain’s army like an angry wind. Twenty thousand strong. Men and women alike had heard of Queen’s plight and meant to change it.

K’xarr and Ivan had taken the Asconans and driven deep into the enemy’s lines when they spotted Cain. K’xarr tapped the knight on the arm and they moved towards the Prince.

The people of Turill were giving the disorganized soldiers a terrible time. Many of the Bandaran soldiers tried to flee, only to be dragged down and killed by the mob. K’xarr had no time to enjoy it, he wanted Cain. The Prince tried to push his way through the chaos that had now enveloped the streets of Turill. K’xarr and Sir Ivan were right behind him. The Camiran was not about to let Cain escape, he wanted to end this tonight.

All three men struggled with the crowd, but it was the Prince that broke into the clear first. “He’s headed toward the palace, K’xarr,” Ivan said as he and the general waded out of the sea of combatants. Once in the open, the man from the Harsh Coast put his head down and ran on. He was gaining on his quarry when the Prince’s sword scabbard swung between his legs and tripped him. Cain rolled to his feet as K’xarr and Sir Ivan ran up. “Time for you to die, Cain,” K’xarr said catching his breath.


Endra had lost sight of Rufio and the company of men she was with. Instead of fighting the enemy, she was pushing through the crowd trying to

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