Gods of Blood and Fire - A. J. Strickler Page 0,144

I understand your frustration. I wish I could help, there just nothing I can do.”

K’xarr gave his friend an ironic smile. “Sounds like you want to fix him too.”

Rhys returned the smile. “You don’t like to lose a fight, right? I don’t like to lose a patient. I guess we are both a little stubborn when it comes to accepting defeat, it’s just our nature”

K’xarr nodded. “You’re right, Rhys. I just wish we didn’t have to deal with sorcery though. I truly hate it.”

Rhys sobered. “I am afraid as long as you travel with Kian, you will have to deal with it. When we have the time, I hope he will let me study his anatomy. It will help a great deal when I need to treat him.”

The corner of K’xarr’s mouth rose in a half smile. “Just keep him on his feet. I will need him if we’re going to try and hold the damn city. Come on, the Princess is waiting.”

Raygan sat on the phoenix throne, no one stood with her as was customary. Not even one Royal Guardsman was left to stand watch at the foot of the dais. The Kian creature had killed or chased off all of them. There was no council or advisers, she sat on the throne completely unattended and alone.

Raygan looked down at her feet. They didn’t even touch the floor. She felt like a child abandoned and forsaken by the world she knew, pretending to rule a Kingdom that saw her as just a girl, not a monarch of a powerful nation. True, the people loved her, but just as a Princess, not as Queen. She motioned for a servant to bring a small stool to place under her feet. Raygan would not have them dangling in front of everyone, like a baby in its feeding chair.

She was nervous. Ansellus said she was in control of Bandara now and would soon be crowned Queen if he had anything to do with it. Raygan had liked the sound of that but Cain and her husband were still in the north along with the High Lords Bradford and Fox. She was sure they would have something to say about Ansellus crowning her Queen. Not to mention, her father-in-law. Duke Blackthorn had not been captured and that man would die before he saw her on the throne.

Ansellus had yet to speak of his brother, but she knew it troubled him that Tobias was in league with Cain and the Blackthorns. Ansellus was a man of honor as were his ancestors. He would most likely settle things with his brother personally.

She had too many problems to think about of her own to be worrying about Ansellus’s, but the one foremost in her mind was she had no idea how to rule. That had always been Cain’s role. A close second was the child growing in her womb. If there was one thing she knew less about than politics, it was being a mother. She had never really had a mother herself, so she had no example to go by. She would just have to try and do her best with all her new responsibilities.

K’xarr and Rhys entered the throne room together along with the rest of the mercenaries who had helped retake the palace. The only ones missing from the group were the monster and the overly attractive woman Endra. She could live without the Korlest woman attending court. The barbarian woman could cast a shadow on her beauty and Raygan didn’t like that one bit. Of course, Endra would never have the poise she possessed, the Princess thought, but the woman could distract some of her subject’s attention away from her, and she couldn’t have that.

She would worry about the nature of her supporters later. K’xarr said Bishop Lyfair had told him he had information about her father’s death. If it turned out the Bishop was telling the truth and not just lying to save his skin, she could finally find out what happened to her father. “Bring in the Bishop.”

K’xarr motioned for Cromwell to go get the holy man. The Bishop was not restrained, but the big Toran walked alongside Lyfair as he entered the throne room.

Cromwell bent down and whispered to Lyfair. The barbarian’s whisper was loud enough everyone heard what he said. “If you try anything, I will kill you, holy man.”

Raygan rolled her eyes and the small crowd of servants and minor nobles issued a collective gasp. How would she

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