Goddess of Pain - Katie May Page 0,74

lot and into a secluded corner.

“It’s just me,” I whisper. “And it’s you. And Helio. And Desmond. And Avery. And Tate.”

A third car explodes from behind me, but I don’t jump.

“I don’t know if…” I swallow around the acorn-sized lump in my throat. “I don’t know if I’m enough for you guys.”

“Don’t know if you’re…?” The fire abruptly recedes from Sin’s skin as he throws his head back in laughter. It’s a manic sound, one that has every survival instinct inside of me wanting to run screaming in the opposite direction. But instead, I remain firm, waiting until his laughter abates.

“What the hell is so funny?”

His laughter fades as quickly as it began, and he levels me with a look so dangerous and spiteful, that if I didn’t know he was in love with me, I would be scared for my life.

“You don’t get to think that,” he snaps curtly. “You don’t get to ever think that.”


“You’re my sanity, Emily.” He reaches for my waist, the dress burned in more places than not, and rubs soothing circles into the bare skin that one of the holes reveals. I can’t help but stare at the tattoos etched on his knuckles. Currently, only the F and a little bit of the L of FLAME are visible. “I can’t do this without you.”

“Sin,” I whisper, “I don’t want that. I want you to be with me because you want to, not because you need to.”

He presses his forehead against mine as he rocks our bodies side to side. “Can’t it be both?”

The sound of a knife being unsheathed captures my attention.

“Sin!” I scream, just as a blade plunges through his shoulder blade. He roars, unintentionally pushing his body further into mine, as the girl I saw before—the one with the fake tit—retracts the blade, smirking maliciously.

“Sorry, sugar.” Her voice is saccharine sweet, which makes me hate her even more. Those types of people…they’re fake as fuck. “But you’re not my target.”

Shoving Sin out of the way—bad move on her part—she advances on me.

But I refuse to cower before an assassin again.

My power explodes out of me like a firework. It runs through my veins, burning me as effortlessly as Sin just did, before surrounding the knife-wielding brunette. Her eyes are wide in shock and confusion as my power caresses her skin. Her tank top strap slides down once more, freeing that nasty tit of hers, just as my power enters her body. She screams in anguish, collapsing to the ground and writhing in pain. Tears flood her eyes as her body shakes and convulses.

“She tried to hurt you!” Sin bellows, flames dancing on his hands. Blood drips from the wound on his shoulder, but I know that he doesn’t give a damn about it at the moment.

“She’s an assassin,” I reason, smug satisfaction filling me when she curls in on herself like yellowing, centuries-old paper.

“Is this the bitch who made you feel inferior?” Sin demands. At my nod, he eyes her over with obvious distaste. “Really? Her?”

He glances pointedly at her bare tit, a sort of saggy looking thing with a rather large areola and a dark nipple, and there’s no way I can be jealous with the look he gives her—as if he wants to vomit in his mouth.

“That’s mean,” I say automatically. “She’s not that bad.”

Sin glares at the sobbing female before he tosses a fireball on her without preamble. Immediately, her body goes up into flames, bare tit and all.

My God of Flames resembles an avenging angel in the sparse moonlight. With his lithe body, broad shoulders, and shaggy blond hair, he looks beautiful and dangerous, like death himself has climbed out of the woodwork to destroy the fucking world. He looks more like the God of Death than Avery ever has.

When he turns towards me, there’s a dark, angry smile on his face, one imbibed with karma and the need for combat.

“She shouldn’t have stabbed me,” he growls. “She shouldn’t have hurt you. And she definitely shouldn’t have made you doubt my love.”

And it’s wrong and fucked up, but my pussy clenches once more at his words. There’s a burning girl mere inches from me, for fuck’s sake, and yet I want to strip Sin down and ride his hard cock.

“Never again,” I vow, staring into his hell-fire eyes. These men love me more than life itself. They’ll destroy the entire Earth if that’s what I want.

“Never again,” Sin repeats with a decisive head bob.

Never again.

Chapter 24

The ride home

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