The Giver of Stars - Jojo Moyes Page 0,63

complain about, exactly, but certainly added, they confided to each other with a vague feeling of discombobulation, to a sense that things were shifting in a way they were at a loss to understand.

The inhabitants of the Packhorse Library were not quite as perplexed. The little blue book—which had proven more popular and more useful than any number of bestsellers, and required almost constant repair—was dispatched and returned week after week, under piles of magazines, with quick, grateful smiles, accompanied by whispered murmurings of My Joshua never even heard of such a thing, but he sure does seem to like it! And No baby this springtime for us. I cannot tell you the relief. A honeymooner’s blush would accompany many of these confidences, or a distinct twinkle in the eye. Only one woman returned it stony-faced, with the admonition that she had never seen the devil’s work cast into print before. But even then Sophia noted that there were several pages where the corners had been carefully turned to keep their place.

Margery would slide the little book back into its home in the wooden chest where they kept cleaning materials, blister liniment and spare stirrup leathers, and a day or two later the word would be passed to another remote cabin, and the query would be made, tentatively, to another librarian: “Um . . . before you go, my cousin over at Chalk Hollow says you have a book that covers matters of . . . a certain delicacy . . .” and it would find itself on its way again.

“What are you girls doing?”

Izzy and Beth sprang back from the corner as Margery walked in, kicking mud from the heels of her boots in a way that would infuriate Sophia later. Beth was quite helpless with laughter, and Izzy’s cheeks glowed pink. Alice was at the desk, entering her books into the ledger and pretending to ignore them.

“Are you girls looking at what I think you’re looking at?”

Beth held up the book. “Is this true? That ‘female animals may actually die if denied sexual union’?” Beth was open-mouthed. “Because I’m not hanging off no man and I don’t look like I’m fit to drop, do I?”

“But what do you die of?” said Izzy, aghast.

“Maybe your hole closes up and then you can’t breathe properly. Like one of them dolphins.”

“Beth!” exclaimed Izzy.

“If that’s where you’re breathing out of, Beth Pinker, then lack of sexual congress isn’t the thing we need to be worrying about,” said Margery. “Anyway, you girls shouldn’t be reading about that. You’re not even married.”

“Nor are you, and you’ve read it twice.”

Margery pulled a face. The girl had a point.

“Jeez, what are the ‘natural completions of a woman’s sex-functions’?” Beth started to giggle again. “Oh, my, look here, this says that women who don’t get satisfaction may suffer an actual nervous breakdown. Can you believe that? But if they do get satisfaction, ‘every organ in their bodies is influenced and stimulated to play its part, while their spirits, after soaring in the dizzy heights of rapture, are wafted to oblivion.’”

“My organs are meant to be wafting?” said Izzy.

“Beth Pinker, will you just shut up for five minutes?” Alice slammed her book down on the desk. “Some of us are actually trying to work here.”

There was a brief silence. The women exchanged sideways looks.

“I’m just joking with you.”

“Well, some of us don’t want to hear your horrible jokes. Can you just cut it out? It’s not funny.”

Beth frowned at Alice. She picked casually at a piece of cotton on her breeches. “I’m so sorry, Miss Alice. I hate that I might have caused you distress,” she said, solemnly. A sly smile spread across her face. “You’re not . . . you’re not having a nervous breakdown, are you?”

Margery, who had lightning-quick reaction times, managed to get between them just before Alice’s fist made contact. She raised her palms, pushing them apart, and gestured Beth toward the door. “Beth, why don’t you check those horses have fresh water? Izzy, put that book back in the trunk and come and sweep up this mess. Miss Sophia gets back from her aunt’s tomorrow and you know what she’ll have to say about it all.”

She looked at Alice, who had sat down again and was now staring with intense concentration at the ledger, her whole demeanor warning Margery not to say another thing. She would be there long after the rest of them had gone home, as she was every working night. Copyright 2016 - 2024