Give Me War - Kate McCarthy Page 0,35

they want the Valentines, then that’s what they’re going to get,” she points out.

“Mac, this is bullshit,” Travis adds from my other side. “If they get their hands on you, we’ll be dealing with two of you in those damn vests.”

“That won’t happen.”

My hands fist at my sides, pissed at their bickering. “Either walk away or shut the hell up. All of you.”

The Sentinels start climbing off their bikes and Bingo and Kelly step up beside us. His eyes falling on Evie, Kelly mutters a shocked, “what the fuck,” while the big burley biker president shakes his head at Grudge, his gravelly voice booming above the Harleys still filling the street behind us. “Have you lost your motherfuckin’ mind?”

Grudge narrows his eyes in return. “I thought we had an agreement.”

Bingo mentioned at our meeting yesterday that the Sentinels and the Vipers had a handshake deal to never encroach on the other’s territory. Today’s efforts pretty much blow that out of the water.

“I’m pretty sure kidnappin’ and assault of our allies negates that fuckin’ agreement, Grudge, so you let Jared’s old lady go, or we got problems, and those problems,” he turns and waves his arms, encompassing the entire contingent of Sentinels, “are fuckin’ big ones.”

The last of the Sentinels turn off their bikes and climb off, and an eerie silence sweeps through the property. All we need now are tumbleweeds and it’s the wild goddamn west.

“Allied with the Valentines?” Grudge sneers. “How the mighty have fallen.”

“You might see it that way,” Bingo retorts, and takes the time to light a cigarette with casual disregard, as if he’s above the Viper’s antics. He exhales a huge plume of smoke. “But look at our numbers. Look at our club. We’re fuckin’ thrivin.’ And look at yours.” He shakes his head. “You might have some big bastards, but they still look about ready to piss ‘emselves.”

Grudge tightens his hold on Evie and takes a step back. I don’t like the look of desperation on his face. It makes me nervous. “You’re talkin’ war, Bingo.”

“Sure looks that way, don’t it?” He flicks ash into the dirt. “But you started this here shit fest. Now you gotta see it through.”

Done with the posturing, I call out, “There’ll be no war. We’re done here. Hand over my wife or you won’t live to see another day.”

Grudge’s brows fly sky high, as if I have the nerve. “You threatenin’ me?”

I take a step forward, incredulous. “Like you’re threatening my wife right now?”

“You’re just a big ‘ole coward hiding behind a woman like that!” a biker yells from within the horde of Sentinels.

“Let her go!” another calls out.

“Yeah, let her go!” comes a chorus of yells.

A massive Viper steps forward, rivalling Kelly in size. His name, according to his biker cut, is Rider. “Why don’t you all just fuck off.” He sneers at the swarm of men at our backs. “This ain’t your fight.”

“You made it our fight, ya snake bastards!” a Sentinel shouts back.

A punch gets thrown and that massive Viper goes down, felled like a damn tree. And that’s all it takes. Sentinels push forward and the Vipers respond in a frenzy of violence. It’s a fucking melee of blows, booted kicks, and knives, and it all happens around me because I’m already pushing my way towards Evie.

Her eyes hold tight to mine, trusting me to get her out of this. My god, I am not going to let her down.

Grudge is jostled as he backs his way through the fighting swarm. A gunshot goes off from somewhere, and it only serves to further incite the violence.

“You need to call Rossiter!” I shout over my shoulder at Mitch. He’s dodging a blow from a Viper but his quick glance in my direction tells me he hears me. “I’m going after Evie!”

Grudge is heading for the house, my wife still covering his front. I’m gaining on them when the hit comes out of nowhere. A fist slams into my jaw, a powerful punch that sets me staggering to my left.

“Jared!” Evie screams.

I blink back stars as another blow gets me in the side. Swallowing down bile, I look up. It’s Rider, back on his feet again. Pride and fury urges me to wail on the bastard, but I’m too smart for that. His attack is a delay tactic. The biker is trying to give Grudge time to get away.

I straighten and boot Rider in the gut, hard enough to send him stumbling back into the middle of Copyright 2016 - 2024