Give Me War - Kate McCarthy Page 0,31

but that’s all they’ll be.” He cocks his head, studying me. “Pretty, worthless words.”

“I’m not an idiot, Grudge. You’re going to kill them.”

He shrugs, but I see pleasure flash across his face as if he likes that I figured it out. “Now I wouldn’t do that, but if it happened by happy accident, then I wouldn’t complain, would I?”

Dear God, he actually does plan to kill them all. He plans to wipe the earth of the Valentines and then continue on his merry way as if it never happened.

The biker president is either incredibly stupid, or completely unhinged. Considering I’m standing here wrapped up in explosives, I’m going with both.

Grudge is opening his mouth, likely to offer something equally as insane, when his lackey steps back in the room. The badge on his cut shows the biker’s name as Rider, but I’m sticking with Goliath.

“Grudge, we got a problem,” he says, and the words are an absolute delight.

Hell yes.

I like the idea of the Vipers having a problem. I’m so down with that. Their problem could only mean something good for me, right? I offer up a smirk, which is wasted by Grudge ignoring me. He lifts his brows at Goliath, prompting him to continue.

“The Valentines have been spotted.”

Wrong. Fuck this problem. I don’t like it. I figured there would be a plan, but the kind that doesn’t involve just driving on up and asking these bastards to hand me over like a cheeseburger at a McDonalds drive-through. I was praying for a stealth attack. In and out before the Vipers could blink. That they’ve been spotted means they’re not trying to hide themselves. What the hell is with that?

Grudge leans his hips against the table behind him and lights another cigarette, appearing nonchalant, but already I can read past the expression. His eyes are glittering as he exhales smoke. “How far out?”

“Ten minutes, maybe a bit more.”

The biker president growls. “They got ten minutes out before you fuckers noticed?”

“Seems so,” Goliath mutters.

Three sets of eyes come to me.

“Get the bitch cuffed,” Grudge orders. “Put her in the back room.” His eyes move to Atomic. “You come with me.”

They stalk off, talking, taking the device to the vest with them. With a shaky breath, my eyes come back to Goliath. He grins and steps in front of me. Reaching behind him, he plucks a set of metal cuffs free. My heart pounds. If he gets those on me, the chances of me getting my hands on that remote get considerably harder.

I stumble as he seizes my wrist and jerks me closer. He grabs the other wrist, wrenching me forward. I refuse to cry out at the sharp pain. Instead I mash my lips together, and actually start wondering if all my affairs are in order. Does Jared know where I keep all the family albums? Did I tell him about that necklace in my jewellery box? I can’t remember. It belonged to my mother. It’s not expensive, but also not cheap, and I planned to give it to my daughter if I had one, but maybe Wolf could have it for his future wife? The thought of not seeing my son grow up, to never see him as a man, steals my breath.

It’s enough to renew my struggles but the biker is freakishly strong. It’s like fighting against a silverback gorilla on steroids. “You on the ‘roids?” I taunt as a cuff clips around my right wrist. I wrench my left arm back. “Bet you are. You should get off that stuff. Don’t you know it’ll make your tiny dick even smaller? And give you itty bitty balls. You got itty bitty balls, Goliath?”

“Are you askin’ to see my junk, bitch?” He grins and clips the left cuff on, effectively shackling my hands in front of me. “Cause I won’t just get it out, I’ll fuckin’ use it on ya.”

He grabs me by the cuffs and starts pulling me down the hall. I pull back, putting us in a tug-of-war. My feet dig in, sliding further toward the back of the house as he drags me. “Wait.”

But he doesn’t listen, so I do something I’ve never done before. I beg for my life. “Please.” I even use his actual name. “Rider, please.” Tears clog my throat. “Please let me go.”

“Can’t do that. Sorry.” He doesn’t sound sorry at all.

“Do you have an old lady, Rider?”

He sneers at me over his shoulder. “Bitch, whatever you say, it ain’t gonna work. I Copyright 2016 - 2024