The Girls in the Snow (Nikki Hunt #1) - Stacy Green Page 0,46

all together, you know?”

“Right,” Nikki said. “Were you at school when they disappeared?”

“I came home to help search.” Bobby’s voice was thick with remorse. “We must have walked up and down that trail twenty times, looking for any sign of them. I went door-to-door with my mom and we talked to a few joggers from the trail. They just seemed to vanish.”

“What about Kaylee?” Nikki wanted to see if Kaylee’s name would change his calm demeanor, but he still seemed the same.

“She seemed like a nice girl.” Bobby jammed his hands into his pockets.

“A couple of the girls’ friends said that Kaylee might have been dating an older boy. She’s blowing you a kiss in that picture. And she was a very pretty girl. If you guys were dating, I need to know.”

Bobby’s eyes widened. “No way. I’m a freshman in college. I don’t need to come back to Stillwater to find girls to date. I’ve only met Kaylee a few times. I know she had issues at school and her mom worked a lot. She seemed lonely, but she was happy to be with Maddie.” His jaw tightened. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

“Did she give you her phone number?”

Bobby shook his head. “I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful.” He paused for a moment, fiddling with the ends of his jacket. “Can I talk to you about something?” Bobby lowered his voice, uncertainty in his eyes. “About Mark Todd?”

Nikki had expected the question. “I’m not comfortable talking to you about him. Mark’s attorneys are doing what they believe is in his best interests. It will all play out in the courts.”

“I know that,” Bobby said. “It’s just my dad talked about that night a lot. He was with you that night, at the party. I grew up hearing about it, since nothing like that ever happens around here.”

Nikki’s insides went cold. She didn’t remember any of John’s friends from that night. “Did your dad give a statement to the police?”

“I think so,” Bobby said. “He backed up what John said happened. If the story ever came up—”

“Why would it come up?” Nikki said.

“John would bring it up. I probably don’t have to tell you that he likes to be the center of attention. He was a hero that night, at least in his eyes.” Bobby looked down at the floor and chewed the inside of his cheek.

“What is it you’re really trying to tell me?” Nikki tried not to think about John using her family’s tragedy as a party favor.

“It’s probably nothing,” Bobby said. “But a few years ago, when the case was in the media again, I think because of an appeal, we were all together at dinner. John was going on about what happened, and Amy said something about him embellishing things. Like every time he told the story, he added something that made himself look tougher or whatever. She called him out on it, and John got really mad and told her to keep her mouth shut. They started arguing, and my dad took John outside so he could cool off.”

“What happened?”

“John got in Dad’s face,” Bobby said. “And ever since then I’ve wondered about it.”

“I’m still not sure why you’re telling me this.”

“One of the protestors said that Caitlin Newport—you know who she is?”


“Well, she told the protestors that everyone at the party lied about what happened.”

“According to Mark, I assume.”

“I suppose,” Bobby said. “But then I remembered that argument. And I know that day stuck with Maddie.”

“What do you mean?” Nikki’s head felt heavy, and her chest tight.

“Maddie told me that after they went home, she heard her parents fighting about it again. She never told me details, but I suppose I wonder what was said. And if she ever pressed her parents about it. Maddie wasn’t the type to let things lie.”

“Thank you for the information.” Sweat beaded across Nikki’s brow. Her coat felt five pounds heavier. She needed to get out of this stuffy lobby. “I understand that you’re protesting, but can you keep this between us? Newport will stir things up and make it harder for us to find out what really happened to the girls.”

“I never thought of that. Of course, I won’t say anything.”

Nikki couldn’t stay in the hot lobby another minute. She shoved open the door and breathed in the cool air.

“Agent Hunt?” Bobby touched her shoulder. “Are you all right?”

“It’s just been a long day. Thank you for the information.”

“No problem,” he said. “Just please promise Copyright 2016 - 2024