The Girls in the Snow (Nikki Hunt #1) - Stacy Green Page 0,34

going to exonerate him. He’ll be released within months and selling his story for millions. Not to mention he’ll have a solid lawsuit against Washington County and maybe even you. Talking to me now is going make you a lot more likable in the long run.”

Nikki closed the distance between them. “Let me make this clear, Ms. Newport. And you can consider the following a formal statement since I’m sure your phone is recording our conversation. Mark Todd’s appeal will be decided in the courts. My team and I are in Stillwater to find out who kidnapped and murdered two teenaged girls. While I understand and respect the public’s right to protest, I’m asking the media, which includes you, to stop asking for interviews regarding the appeal. We are already months behind this perpetrator, and I believe we have a very short window to catch him. We have to assume this could be a serial predator who could be looking for new victims. Please allow me to focus on Madison and Kaylee so we can bring this person to justice before he hurts anyone else.”

“Of course the murders have to be your priority,” Caitlin replied. “But don’t forget that giving your side of the story is the only thing that will stop people from getting in your way.”

“My side of the story has already been documented in court. If you continue to follow me around and bug me about Mark Todd’s appeal, I’ll charge you with harassment.”

“We both know that won’t stick. You’re fighting the wrong person here.”

“Do not follow me inside this building,” Nikki snapped.

“It’s a public building.”

“And I’m a government agent you’re harassing. Back off.”

“Nicole.” The filmmaker’s voice lost some of its sharp edge. “Please go over the files. Or have a colleague who isn’t emotionally involved do it.”

Nikki heaved the glass door open and stomped into the lobby.

The front attendant looked up from her computer. “Agent Hunt?”

Nikki’s chest heaved as though she’d just sprinted from the jeep. Her body flashed from cold to burning hot. She removed her hat and tried to tame her hair. The roots were damp with sweat, so the effort was futile. “Where are we set up?” she asked.

“Second floor, room 212. Take a right off the elevator.”

Nikki glanced at the door to make sure Caitlin wasn’t going to follow her in. “Thank you. If that woman comes inside and tries to find me, call room 212 right away.”

“Sure thing.”

Nikki peeled off her gloves and coat in the elevator. She found a brush in her bag and ran it through her hair before clipping it into a bun. Who the hell did Newport think she was, asking Nikki to cooperate, like she had done something wrong? At least she’d made a firm statement to the media, even though she hated giving it to her.

Room 212 was just a couple of doors down from the elevator. Nikki slowed her pace and took a deep breath to refocus, running through a mental list of what she needed to go over with her team.

Liam and Courtney had set up computers and makeshift workstations, along with a smart board. Half-empty boxes of bagels and donuts sat on a corner table, along with a coffee machine and bottles of water.

“Sorry I’m late.” Nikki grabbed a donut with a mound of gooey icing. “Caitlin Newport ambushed me.”

Miller looked up from his computer. “Are you serious? I ran her off this morning already.”

“She’s tenacious. And all excited about that newspaper article since she’s doing a documentary about Mark Todd’s innocence.”

“I knew she was up to something.” Courtney’s expression made it clear she’d read the article, but she’d never bring it up in a professional setting.

Liam focused on the notes scattered in front of him.

Miller glanced at Courtney, who shook her head. Her team knew better than to push her, and Miller had good survival instincts.

Nikki tossed her half-eaten donut in the trash and sat down. “Liam, did you have any luck figuring out who was in the Polaroid from Kaylee’s room?” Nikki had taken the photo for evidence, hoping to identify the person who’d taken the picture.

“I scanned it to see if we could get a better look at the man reflected in the shop window,” Liam said. “The tech geeks are running it through their advanced photo software, but I don’t think we’re going to find much.”

“I didn’t expect to.” Nikki shifted her focus. Courtney had already updated Nikki this morning. It would be at least seventy-two hours before Copyright 2016 - 2024