The Girls in the Snow (Nikki Hunt #1) - Stacy Green Page 0,15

her dad was picking her up from school, wrapped her arms around her daughter and wished she would stay this happy and innocent forever. She watched her run toward her friend, her hat only half on. Two little boys raced past, their mother shouted something from the car, and the older boy waved in response.

Cherish these moments, Nikki wanted to say. Some mothers will never get to drop their kids off at school again.

The Banks family lived in an upscale community on Long Lake that had been cruddy swampland when Nikki was a kid. Now perfectly maintained, sprawling homes with two- and three-car garages lined the lakefront. Between the new construction and exclusive views, the properties’ taxes had to be sky-high.

Nikki wasn’t surprised to see how well John had done for himself as she reached the right turn. He’d come from a wealthy family and been given every opportunity to succeed; that sort of environment made you driven, and it helped that John was charming too.

A gleaming Chevy Tahoe was parked in the driveway, along with an older model Toyota Camry. Nikki parked on the street behind Miller’s cruiser. She secured the emergency brake before she joined him on the sidewalk.

“They must have company,” Miller said. “The Tahoe’s Amy’s and John drives a Lexus. We initially processed both for evidence. Amy was screaming mad, but I told her it was protocol. Roads decent?”

“Mostly. Nice place,” Nikki replied.

“John works for a large pharmaceutical company. He’s pretty high up in the food chain. Amy works part-time as a bank teller so she can be here when the kids get home from school.”

“Madison had one sibling?”

“A little brother. Second grade, I think.”

A tall, sturdy-looking woman came out the front door, pulling it shut behind her. She started sprinkling ice melt on the wide steps.

Nikki glanced at Miller. “Housekeeper?”

He shook his head. “Family friend. Good morning, Mindy.”

“Sergeant Miller, I didn’t realize you were already here. I wanted to make sure these steps weren’t so icy.”

“Mindy Vance, this is Special Agent Nikki Hunt with the FBI.”

“I’m glad to meet you, despite the horrific circumstances.” Mindy’s heavy winter coat added to her plump girth and she was nearly as tall as Miller. “I stopped by to check in on John and Amy.”

“How long have you known the Bankses?” Nikki asked.

“Oh, for a long time,” Mindy said. “Everyone’s just in shock. I guess I’m a bit of a Pollyanna, but I still hoped the girls would come home safe. Amy’s just a wreck. And John’s, well, John.”

“Stoic,” Nikki said. “He was never great at showing his emotions.”

“I think that’s the case with most men in our generation.” Mindy’s smile quickly faltered. “Madison was a good kid. She had such a bright future.”

Miller took the ice melt and started sprinkling it onto the sidewalk.

“Thank you,” Mindy said.

“Did you know Kaylee as well?” Nikki asked.

“No,” Mindy replied. “I don’t visit as often as I should since my husband died, but I wanted to check in on Amy.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Nikki said. “You and Amy are close?”

“Not exactly close. Amy’s very private. But she was a rock after my husband’s death. I just can’t imagine what she’s going through.”

Nikki glanced around at the snow-covered houses. “Is this a tight-knit area?”

“I think so,” Mindy said. “The Burns family at the end of the cul-de-sac throws block parties in the summer. Pays for a live band and funhouses for the kids.”

“People look out for one another,” Nikki said.


“Would they notice a strange person or vehicle hanging around?”

Mindy thought about it for a moment. “Maybe, but there are always visitors. I can’t see anyone paying much attention unless there was some kind of commotion.” She zipped up her coat and pulled on gloves. “I’m sorry to be rude, but I have to get to work.”

“Of course.” Nikki handed her a business card. “I know you already gave a statement, when the girls disappeared, but if you think of anything else that you think could help, give me a call.”

Mindy nodded. “It was nice to meet you.”

The door opened once again. Dressed in sweats and an old Vikings shirt, Nikki thought John looked more like the slightly wild college kid she remembered.

“Thought I heard your voice.” Circles lined his bloodshot eyes.

“Did you get any sleep?” Nikki asked.

“A little.” John glanced over her shoulder and waved at Mindy. “I was going to take care of the sidewalk.”

“I think she just wanted to help,” Nikki said. “No one really knows what to do in Copyright 2016 - 2024