Girls in the City Alison - Suzanne Jenkins Page 0,19

and helped her with her bags.

“Two days of bliss,” he said.

“Two wonderful days.”

They put her things in his room, a big space with a small alcove for a loveseat or a recliner to be used as a sitting area. He watched her eyeing the space, and it made him happy. She was taking ownership.

“I like it,” she said. “I never looked at with an eye to live here. But if you don’t mind my books and a few chachkas, I think I’ll fit right in.”

“I’ll get rid of my junk if you’ll move in,” he replied. “I’m really happy about this, Alison. Thrilled, as a matter of fact.”

“Okay, now that our living situation is settled, what do you want to eat?”

Smiling, he accepted that she was trying to be as unemotional as possible.

“I’ll defer to you,” he answered.

“Tonight I want a burger,” she said. “A big disgusting one with cheese and mushrooms and fries.”

“I’ll order,” he said.

“I’ll shower.”

By the time she was done unpacking and showering, their dinner had arrived.

“So what did you need to tell me?”

He repeated what Kathy had told him about Kristin.

“Barry Lemon told me she had come to my defense when Kravitz and some of the others were playing their guessing games about me.”

“When was this?” he asked, seething.

“I think today. Barry said she had announced she was going to call you, but when he told her not to, she said she didn’t, but she was smiling when she walked out of the locker room. It must have been when she called Kathy.”

“She called a friend, who then told Kathy.”

“Great, now they’re gossiping about me in North County.”

“Well, this is where it gets a little, I don’t know, unusual. Kathy came to your defense.”

“Wow, that is weird. You’d think she’d have more reason to really hate me now.”

“Why would she hate you?” Rich asked.

“Because I took her man. I’m guessing you’re apart because of another woman.”

“You have it all wrong,” he said, chuckling. “We’re not divorced because I cheated on her. Is that what you thought?”

“Infidelity seems like the reason most marriages fall apart.”

“Well, that’s true, but it wasn’t me. She left me for Hank. Her boyfriend. I understand, too. She couldn’t deal with my hours, the whole grind, residency, moving away from her family. He’s an ER doc over at Scripps.”

“Wait, she left you for another doctor?”

“She burned her hand and went to the ER, and he took care of her. Evidently, it was love at first sight for both of them. They had an affair for two years, and I was clueless, wrapped up in my life. I’ll never do that again.”

Frowning, Alison tried not to judge. She thought of her mother, Lisa, and how gracious she always was no matter the hours that her father had kept. Poor Kathy, left all alone. What a schmuck.

“So what did Kristin say to her friend?”

“She told her the same crap the people at work are saying: speculation, misinformation. Kathy said it sounded complicated, and I said it was, and when you were ready, when you trusted me enough to take our relationship to the next level, we’d have that discussion with her. But right now it’s not my story to tell.”

“You’re so wonderful.” She got up out of her chair and sat on his lap. He leaned in and kissed her on the mouth.

“Your breath is all burgery and cheesy and oniony,” he said. “Can I have a bite of your food? I don’t like mine.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Does my breath make you want some of my dinner?”

She sniffed his mouth and flared her nostrils. “No. No offense. Here, take a bite of mine. What is that shit?”

He laughed out loud. “It’s supposed to be a Philly cheese steak, but something is amiss.”

“You’re not kidding. I’ll get a knife and cut mine in half. I can’t eat that big thing by myself.”

She got back into her own chair and put her feet up in his lap. They continued to eat.

“You want a beer?” he asked, getting up for the fridge.

“I’ll take one. So I guess we’re at that next step you said we’d be at when I’d have a talk with Kathy.”

“I really didn’t expect it to happen the same day,” he said, chuckling. “I love it that you knew what you wanted and asked for it. It makes me feel like we can overcome anything. And I know we have a lot to overcome.”

“I hope it’s not too bad,” she said. “Nothing is going to Copyright 2016 - 2024