The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest Page 0,212

She on T.V.4 could hardly conceal her excitement over the video material that Blomkvist had delivered. Blomkvist was amused at her undisguised glee. For a week they had worked like dogs to put together coherent material about the Section that they could use on T.V. Her producer and the news editor at T.V.4 were in no doubt as to what a scoop the story would be. It was being produced in the utmost secrecy, with only a very few people involved. They had agreed to Blomkvist's insistence that the story be the lead on the evening of the third day of the trial. They had decided to do an hour-long news special.

Blomkvist had given her a quantity of still photographs to work with, but on television nothing compares to the moving image. She was simply delighted when he showed her the video - in razor-sharp definition - of an identifiable police officer planting cocaine in his apartment.

"This is great T.V.," she said. "Camera shot: Here is Sapo planting cocaine in the reporter's apartment."

"Not Sapo... the Section," Blomkvist corrected her. "Don't make the mistake of muddling the two."

"Sandberg works for Sapo, for God's sake," she said.

"Sure, but in practice he should be regarded as an infiltrator. Keep the boundary line very clear."

"Understood. It's the Section that's the story here. Not Sapo. Mikael, can you explain to me how it is that you keep getting mixed up in these sensational stories? And you're right. This is going to be bigger than the Wennerstrom affair."

"Sheer talent, I guess. Ironically enough this story also begins with a Wennerstrom. The spy scandal of the '60s, that is."

Berger called at 4.00. She was in a meeting with the newspaper publishers' association sharing her views on the planned cutbacks at S.M.P., which had given rise to a major conflict in the industry after she had resigned. She would not be able to make it to their dinner before 6.30.

Sandberg helped Clinton move from the wheelchair to the daybed in the room that was his command centre in the Section's headquarters on Artillerigatan. Clinton had just returned from a whole morning spent in dialysis. He felt ancient, infinitely weary. He had hardly slept the past few days and wished that all this would soon come to an end. He had managed to make himself comfortable, sitting up in the bed, when Nystrom appeared.

Clinton concentrated his energy. "Is it ready?"

"I've just come from a meeting with the Nikolich brothers," Nystrom said. "It's going to cost 50,000."

"We can afford it," Clinton said.

Christ, if only I were young again.

He turned his head and studied Nystrom and Sandberg in turn.

"No qualms of conscience?" he said.

They shook their heads.

"When?" Clinton said.

"Within twenty-four hours," Nystrom said. "It's difficult to pin down where Blomkvist is staying, but if the worst comes to the worst they'll do it outside Millennium's offices."

"We have a possible opportunity tonight, two hours from now," said Sandberg.

"Oh, really?"

"Erika Berger called him a while ago. They're going to have dinner at Samir's Cauldron. It's a restaurant near Bellmansgatan."

"Berger..." Clinton said hesitantly.

"I hope for God's sake that she doesn't - " Nystrom said.

"That wouldn't be the end of the world," Sandberg said.

Clinton and Nystrom both stared at him.

"We're agreed that Blomkvist is our greatest threat, and that he's going to publish something damaging in the next issue of Millennium. We can't prevent publication, so we have to destroy his credibility. If he's killed in what appears to be a typical underworld hit and the police then find drugs and cash in his apartment, the investigators will draw certain conclusions. They won't initially be looking for conspiracies involving the Security Police."

"Go on," Clinton said.

"Erika Berger is actually Blomkvist's lover," Sandberg said with some force. "She's unfaithful to her husband. If she too were to be a victim, that would lead to further speculation."

Clinton and Nystrom exchanged glances. Sandberg had a natural talent when it came to creating smokescreens. He learned fast. But Clinton and Nystrom felt a surge of anxiety. Sandberg was too cavalier about life-and-death decisions. That was not good. Extreme measures were not to be employed just because an opportunity had presented itself. Murder was no easy solution; it should be resorted to only when there was no alternative.

Clinton shook his head.

Collateral damage, he thought. He suddenly felt disgust for the whole operation.

After a lifetime in service to the nation, here we sit like primitive mercenaries. Zalachenko was necessary. Bjorck was... regrettable, but Gullberg was right: Bjorck Copyright 2016 - 2024