The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest Page 0,108

Security to take over her personal protection. She did not advise Sapo of this decision. The next morning, when she was due to appear at a school in Taby, there was a confrontation between the government security forces and her Milton bodyguards.

At that time Edklinth was acting deputy chief of Personal Protection. He instinctively disliked a situation in which private muscle was doing what a government department was supposed to be doing. He did recognize that the Member of Parliament had reason enough for complaint. Instead of exacerbating the issue, he invited Milton Security's C.E.O. to lunch. They agreed that the situation might be more serious than Sapo had at first assumed, and Edklinth realized that Armansky's people not only had the skills for the job, but they were as well trained and probably better equipped too. They solved the immediate problem by giving Armansky's people responsibility for bodyguard services, while the Security Police took care of the criminal investigation and paid the bill.

The two men discovered that they liked each other a good deal, and they enjoyed working together on a number of assignments in subsequent years. Edklinth had great respect for Armansky, and when he was pressingly invited to dinner and a private conversation, he was willing to listen.

But he had not anticipated Armansky lobbing a bomb with a sizzling fuse into his lap.

"You're telling me that the Security Police is involved in flagrant criminal activity."

"No," Armansky said. "You misunderstand me. I'm saying that some people within the Security Police are involved in such activity. I don't believe that this activity is sanctioned by the leadership of S.I.S., or that it has government approval."

Edklinth studied Malm's photographs of a man getting into a car with a registration number that began with the letters KAB.

"Dragan... this isn't a practical joke?"

"I wish it were."

The next morning Edklinth was in his office at police headquarters. He was meticulously cleaning his glasses. He was a grey-haired man with big ears and a powerful face, but for the moment his expression was more puzzled than powerful. He had spent most of the night worrying about how he was going to deal with the information Armansky had given him.

They were not pleasant thoughts. The Security Police was an institution in Sweden that all parties (well, almost all) agreed had an indispensable value. This led each of them to distrust the group and at the same time concoct imaginative conspiracy theories about it. The scandals had undoubtedly been many, especially in the leftist-radical '70s when a number of constitutional blunders had certainly occurred. But after five governmental - and roundly criticized - Sapo investigations, a new generation of civil servants had come through. They represented a younger school of activists recruited from the financial, weapons and fraud units of the state police. They were officers used to investigating real crimes, and not chasing political mirages. The Security Police had been modernized and the Constitutional Protection Unit in particular had taken on a new, conspicuous role. Its task, as set out in the government's instruction, was to uncover and prevent threats to the internal security of the nation. i.e. unlawful activity that uses violence, threat or coercion for the purpose of altering our form of government, inducing decision-making political entities or authorities to take decisions in a certain direction, or preventing individual citizens from exercising their constitutionally protected rights and liberties.

In short, to defend Swedish democracy against real or presumed anti-democratic threats. They were chiefly concerned with the anarchists and the neo-Nazis: the anarchists because they persisted in practising civil disobedience; the neo-Nazis because they were Nazis and so by definition the enemies of democracy.

After completing his law degree, Edklinth had worked as a prosecutor and then twenty-one years ago joined the Security Police. He had at first worked in the field in the Personal Protection Unit, and then within the Constitutional Protection Unit as an analyst and administrator. Eventually he became director of the agency, the head of the police forces responsible for the defence of Swedish democracy. He considered himself a democrat. The constitution had been established by the parliament, and it was his job to see to it that it stayed intact.

Swedish democracy is based on a single premise: the Right to Free Speech (R.F.S.). This guarantees the inalienable right to say aloud, think and believe anything whatsoever. This right embraces all Swedish citizens, from the crazy neo-Nazi living in the woods to the rock-throwing anarchist - Copyright 2016 - 2024