The Girl is Not For Christmas - Emma V Leech Page 0,96

upon him, King turned to see Susan staring at him. She blushed and smiled and looked away.

“I say, King, that was a smashing facer you landed him,” Harry said with breathless enthusiasm. “Did you ever fight with Gentleman Jackson? Is he as marvellous as they say? Would you show me?”

King let Harry’s excited questions carry him along, hoping by the time he arrived in the kitchen, he’d be calm enough to answer the lad.

Livvy waited until later that day to speak with her brother. Now that he had stopped pushing her to marry Mr Skewes and was feeling wretched about having done so, she had an opportunity. It would be so much easier to go to her aunt’s party if she had his blessing after all. It was a risk. Charlie could be remarkably stubborn, especially if propriety was in question, but they were clearly inching closer to desperation. He must see that they must grasp every opportunity they had.

She heard laughter from inside the study as she raised her hand to knock. Ceci was with him, and in much better spirits now her beloved was home. Livvy had underestimated her, she realised. Ceci was a frivolous creature it was true, but she would stand strong beside Charlie, no matter what.

“Come,” her brother called, and Livvy went in. “Livvy, come and have some tea and scones. It’s the last of strawberry jam too.”

Ceci patted the seat beside her and Livvy went and sat down, helping herself to a cup of tea.

“I need to speak with you both,” she said, once she was settled with her teacup in hand. “I… I have an idea. I planned to do this without your knowledge, but now you see what kind of man Mr Skewes is, I hope you might feel happier in trusting my judgement. I warn you though, I shall do this, with or without your blessing.”

Charlie got to his feet, frowning down at her.

“Go on,” he said, moving to stand beside the fire.

Livvy took a breath. “I intend to go to Aunt Agatha’s New Year’s house party in the hopes of finding a husband.”

Charlie gaped at her, and even Ceci let out a little gasp.

“Out of the question,” Charlie said at once. “Aunt Agatha is… good heaven’s Livvy, she’s scandalous. Do you have any idea how many lovers she’s had?”

Livvy shrugged. “None whatsoever. You will never speak of her to me, but she can’t be considered so scandalous as that for she’s still the height of fashion, is she not? Even I know her parties are legendary.”

Charlie stared at her. “Livvy, Agatha is a wealthy widow. Such women are allowed a deal more license than unmarried ones, but….”

“Respectable people go to her parties, don’t they?” Livvy pressed.

“Y-Yes,” Charlie said, for he was the kind of man who would tell the truth even if he didn’t like it. “But she is… she will… she’s a bad influence, Livvy.”

“Oh, stuff,” Livvy said, impatient now. “I’m four and twenty, Charlie, not a silly child of sixteen. I am beyond being influenced.”

“Charlie,” Ceci said tentatively. “Be reasonable. You know how sensible Livvy is. Far more than we are,” she added with a smile.

Livvy looked at Ceci in surprise, not having expected her support.

“Thank you,” she said.

Charlie still looked doubtful.

“Look, Charlie,” Livvy said with a sigh. “The chances are it will come to nothing but, in the first place, we have very few opportunities left to us, and in the second, I have never met my aunt. I should like the chance to do so, and if she is as wealthy as all that, perhaps she might at least sponsor Harry through school. We do not have the luxury of pride any longer, or are you going to tell me that things are not as bad as I think?”

A flush of colour tinged her brother’s cheeks and his shoulders sagged. Livvy watched as he sat down again.

“No, Livvy. I cannot tell you that. We shall have to leave here. I have a few options, fellows who might rent it from me. We won’t be in the gutter as Mr Skewes so eloquently described our situation, but… but the truth is things are going to be very tight indeed. I have debts to pay and…” He put his head in his hands and took a deep breath. “Livvy, I am your brother, it is my job to protect you so… so if you must go to this wretched party… I shall escort you.”

Livvy let out a breath Copyright 2016 - 2024