Gin Fling (Bootleg Springs #5) - Lucy Score Page 0,71

think there’s going to be anything. If there was, the police would have already looked into it. I just want to be certain.”

“Just don’t go stirring things up by pointing fingers at a state judge.”

“He might not be a state judge for long,” I told her. “Word has it, our Judge Kendall is first in line for a federal judge appointment.” News traveled fast. Especially news that Bootleggers could brag about. Our Judge Kendall. Finally being recognized for his years of service. A federal judge? Imagine that.

“Well, that happens,” Amanda said, and I could tell she was getting distracted by the dozens of other tasks that required her attention. I gave her the date ranges to check, which posed an additional problem since some of the records from the earlier years still weren’t electronic and promised to email her an update about what I was doing in rural West Virginia for the summer.

We hung up, and I stared unseeing across Main Street into the lakefront park where families picnicked and swam.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something sinister happening in Bootleg Springs.


I jumped a mile, wincing when my shoulder—which had been a little tender this morning—burst into flames of fresh pain. Dang it. I needed some anti-inflammatories STAT.

“Jenny. Hi. You startled me,” I told her, pressing a hand over my pounding heart. I didn’t like being snuck up on. Had never gotten over the trigger for that particular fear.

Jonah’s mother looked pretty and fresh in shorts and a button-down blouse the color of summer skies. “Sorry about that. I was just on my way to meet… someone, and I saw you.”

The way her cheeks pinked at the mention of “someone” I wondered if it was Jimmy Bob Prosser. She was headed in the direction of the hardware store, I noted.

“I was on the phone and didn’t hear you,” I said.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I overheard a bit of your conversation. I understand where the interest comes from. It’s a fascinating case. But it’s closed now. They found her body. What are you expecting to find that law enforcement missed? ”

“I’m sure investigators have done their due diligence,” I assured her. “I’m just curious. It’s a flashy story with a lot of shiny information for a researcher like me to play with. That’s all.”

Jenny sat down on the bench next to me.

“Men like Judge Kendall have the kind of power that others easily underestimate. Don’t forget that. Don’t underestimate him.” It sounded less like friendly advice and more like a warning.

And she wanted me to hear it, abide by it.

“Do you know him?” I asked.

She shrugged, and the corners of her mouth lifted as she watched a pair of grandparents corral their three grandchildren on the sidewalk.

“Everyone knows people like him,” she said vaguely. “Don’t underestimate them, and don’t do something that could be misconstrued as a threat. Men like that guard their power and their reputations fiercely.”

“Like I said, I’m sure there’s nothing to find,” I said lightly.

“Good. I’d like to think that my son’s casual summer fling is careful.”

“You heard the news,” I said. I wondered if I’d ever had the “so you are engaging in sex with my son conversation” before.

“I think Scarlett took out a billboard,” Jenny said with an easy smile. “My son is a good man. And I think you’ll treat him right. So don’t expect any interference from me no matter how much I’d like to see him married and happy and to have a few grandkids on my lap.”

The woman had said no interference. But she hadn’t meant no pressure.

“Speaking of dating,” I said, changing the subject to something a little safer. “You should probably tell me who you’re meeting for lunch so I can do my duty as a temporary Bootlegger and spread the gossip.”

We chit-chatted like two old friends for a few minutes until Jenny said she had to go. She was looping her purse over her shoulder when she stopped again.

“You haven’t seen Gibson around lately, have you?” she asked.

I frowned, thinking. “No. Not since Jonah’s party.”

“Hmm,” she said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I was just wondering how he was taking the news that the body they found was Callie Kendall. I hope all the Bodines are doing okay,” she added quickly.

“They’re all probably just waiting to see what will happen next with their father still a person of interest,” I guessed.

Jenny pursed her lips and nodded. “Well, you have a nice day. Be safe, Shelby. My son likes Copyright 2016 - 2024