Gin Fling (Bootleg Springs #5) - Lucy Score Page 0,6

the tri-state area and won.”

“Hell yes, we did.”

“I’m here studying how your community came together, how you’re socially structured. I’m writing a paper about it. One that should earn me my doctorate.”

Scarlett sipped the tooth-hurting tea thoughtfully. “Then why exactly did you turn tail and run out of town when Cassidy broke the news that you were a reporter?”

I blinked, not expecting that question. I wasn’t big on lies. But I also wasn’t looking to spread my personal life all over town. “I had some academic things to take care of.” It wasn’t exactly a lie. I had visited my advisor. It’s just there were other things on my to-do list. Things I didn’t think Scarlett Bodine needed to know. On cue, my back began to ache. I shifted on the seat trying to alleviate the discomfort.

“Mm-hmm,” she said, still watching me carefully. “Then why were you cozying on up to Jonah? What were you trying to get out of him if it wasn’t some exclusive on our daddy?”

My laugh surprised us both.

“I just thought he was cute,” I confessed. Really, really cute.

“Of course he is. All of my brothers are. So you’re just saying you were flirtin’ for the sake of flirtin’?”

I nodded. “Well, yeah. He’s so tall, and he has those green, green eyes. And his smile is really nice.”

Shut up, Shelby, I ordered myself. I could feel my cheeks flushing. I had a big, fat crush on Jonah Bodine. Fortunately, he thought I was a low-down, no-good, something or other Southern insult. So there was no requirement to actually act on the crush.

I wasn’t exactly in the position to get myself a boyfriend. After my degree. After I got the rest of my life in order. After I handled this latest round of bad news. But for now, I could enjoy admiring Jonah from afar.

“Fair enough. So why are you here today? Besides tellin’ me how pretty my brother is?” she asked, kicking back in her chair. The lake sparkled through the trees behind her. The late spring breeze blew warmly through the screens.

I took a deep breath and plunged. “I need a place to stay. The inn is great and all, but I need something semi-permanent with room to spread out a bit for the summer.”

Scarlett snorted. “Tell me about it. Crews just broke ground on our new house two weeks ago, and I am countin’ down the days until Devlin has a closet as big as a shopping mall so I don’t have to trip over a dozen suits on my way to the coffeemaker.”

“Congratulations,” I said. “Since you brought it up, ask anybody in Bootleg Springs about real estate and rentals, and they’ll tell you Scarlett Bodine is the woman to see.”

“I might be able to help you out,” she said cagily. “But first we should make small talk. It’s the polite thing to do.”

Scarlett: Quick question for y’all.

June: Why do you announce the fact that you have a question? Why not simply ask the question?

George: What can we do for you, Scarlett?

Scarlett: Your sister, Shelby. Is she a homicidal maniac or a compulsive liar or a real bad person?

June: I find these questions concerning.

George: Shelby is none of those things. I think if you’ll just give her a chance, you’ll really like her.

Scarlett: Would I like her as a potential sister-in-law? Like could I stomach seeing her at the Thanksgiving dinner table for the rest of my life?

June: I am uncomfortable with this line of questioning.

Scarlett: Are you two sitting on the couch next to each other texting?

June: We are attempting to take advantage of our hot springs time slot. You are interrupting.

Scarlett: Sorry, JuneBug! I just had this idea, and I need to know if I’m gonna have regrets.

George: I’ve never regretted having her as a sister, if that helps.

June: Which brother are you planning to mate her to?

Scarlett: Who says I’d do such a thing? Now if y’all will excuse me I have a new tenant to orientate.



“What do you think? Is it big enough?” Bowie asked.

I peered over his shoulder. Bowie and I were the same age, half-brothers who shared a father who’d disappointed us in different ways. I’d have expected him to have the biggest problem with me when I’d showed up in Bootleg Springs last year.

But it had been Gibson, the oldest of all of us, who’d had the hardest time warming up to me. At least Gibson didn’t seem to warm up to anybody, so I couldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024