Gin Fling (Bootleg Springs #5) - Lucy Score Page 0,33

to finish a triathlon.”

Surprised, I nearly stopped the slow swaying of our bodies. “You know you’re good enough, don’t you?”

She grinned. “Most days. Other days I feel like I’m never going to finish my paper. Or I’ll never be able to run a faster mile.”

“If anyone can accomplish those things, it’s you, Shelby.”

She went wooden in my arms. “Jonah Bodine, are you seducing me?”

“I don’t really know. It’s been a long time for me, and I’m not sure I’m ready to jump in with both feet. Also, you called me by both names.”

“Gosh dang it, it’s contagious. You know I had to glue my lips together yesterday when I saw Granny Louisa and Estelle at the Pop In? I wanted to ask them ‘How’s y’all’s day?’ Is y’all’s even a word?” She shook her head and started swaying off beat again. “Forget all that. You caught me off guard, and so I verbally exploded on you. Are you trying to seduce me?”

“I’m saying nice things. That doesn’t have to mean seduction,” I hedged.

I liked the way she felt in my arms. Liked the heat of our bodies as they pressed together. I could tuck her under my arm or rest my chin on her head.

“You’re looking at me like you’re thinking more than just nice things,” she breathed.

“Maybe I am.”

“Maybe it’s the gin.”

“Maybe it’s the girl.”

“Can someone cut the music?” It was Bowie yelling as he dragged Cassidy toward the fire. “I got somethin’ to say.”

Shelby and I paused mid-sway.

“What are you doing?” Cassidy demanded.

“What’s going on?” Shelby whispered.

“It looks like ‘real soon’ is happening now.”


“Shh. Just watch.”

The crowd converged on the fire, ringing the couple. Whispers and expectations rose up like the smoke that curled into the night sky.

Sheriff Tucker, a smile under his mustache, wrapped his arms around his wife.

“Hit it, Gibs,” Bowie said, pointing at his brother perched on a stool with his trusty guitar.

Gibson started to play a soft, nimble melody. Devlin tightened his grip on Scarlett. “It’s happening. It’s really happening,” she squeaked, her eyes glistening with tears in the firelight. That happiness, that absolute joy for another human being, was one of the things I loved most about my sister.

“Cassidy Tucker,” Bowie began, taking her hand. “I’ve been waiting a long, long time to ask you something important.”

Her free hand flew to her mouth in a very un-Cassidy-like move. Deputy Tucker was almost always dignified, never surprised, and rarely speechless.

“Now, timing’s never been one of my strengths.” Bowie grinned. “But I’d like to make up for all that right now.” He held out a hand, and Sheriff Tucker stepped forward, dropping a small black box into it. “Thank you, sir.”

The sheriff gave him a hearty slap on the shoulder and returned to Nadine.

Tears tracked their way down Cassidy’s pretty face.

I felt goosebumps rise on Shelby’s arms and laughed softly. Women and other women’s proposals. It was a natural phenomenon.

“Is this really happening?” Cassidy whispered to Bowie.

Devlin clapped a hand over Scarlett’s mouth before she could give a good “Hell yes.”

Jameson and Leah Mae edged over to us. I gave my brother a nod.

He grinned back at me, and in that smile, I could see the anticipation for his own moment with Leah Mae.

Bowie lowered to the ground on one knee. “Now, as I was saying, I’ve been waiting to do this for a long time, Cass. I thought about all the right things to say. All the ways to tell you that you’re so much a part of me, I feel like I carry your heart in my chest.”

The women in the crowd sighed collectively, Shelby included.

“But I realized that it doesn’t matter what words I use. Or how I ask the question. It just matters what your answer is. And that we’re not going to waste another second of our lives.”

Cassidy was nodding and nodding.

“It all went real wrong for us at a bonfire about a hundred years ago,” he continued. “And now I’m gonna make that as right as I can. Be my wife, Cassidy Ann. Be my partner. My lover. The mother of my kids. Be the keeper of my heart and the bright spot of my every day for the rest of my life.”

“Yes, Bowie Bodine. Yes!” she croaked, dragging him to his feet as the crowd cheered.

“Cass, honey, I didn’t even get the box open.”

“I don’t care! I don’t care if it’s a damn bat in the box. We’re getting married!”

He picked her up and twirled her in the Copyright 2016 - 2024