Gin Fling (Bootleg Springs #5) - Lucy Score Page 0,118

you’re here, Jayme,” he said, toying with his hat in his hands. “If you wouldn’t mind accompanying Gibson down to the station with me, I’d be much obliged.”

The only one who didn’t look surprised in the room was Gibson.

“What is this regarding?” Jayme asked, all scary business now.

“Gibson’s wallet was turned into the station this morning by a citizen concerned about the contents,” he said vaguely.

Judging by Gibson’s expression, he knew exactly what the sheriff was referring to.

“What in the hell?” Scarlett burst out. “Did that damn Misty Lynn steal his wallet and then get mad about the condoms he’s not usin’ to protect himself from her herpes flare?”

“I’d rather discuss this at the station,” the sheriff insisted, looking more uncomfortable than a cat under a rocking chair.

“Dad,” Cassidy said, her eyes implored him.

“It’s gonna be fine. It’s just some questions.”

Gibson’s jaw ticked.

“My client and I will meet you at the station, sheriff, as soon as we’re done with our breakfast,” Jayme said, hands on hips, as if daring the man to make a demand.

“Much obliged,” Sheriff Tucker said. “Swing by the station when you have a chance, Cass, and I’ll catch you up about last night.”

He left, and the room stayed completely silent for about ten seconds.

“Well, what in tarnation was that all about?” Scarlett finally demanded.

Everyone started talking at once.

“Let’s get this over with,” Gibson said to Jayme.

He left without saying a word.

“If Misty Lynn turned up dead and they try to pin it on Gibson I am going to burn this town to the ground,” Scarlett said, picking up her drink.

“Scarlett, what have we said about making threats in public?” Devlin asked, patting her thigh under the table.

She sighed heavily. “Not to.”



I woke to a cacophony of smells. Glorious, greasy smells.

I cracked open an eye and stretched. Billy Ray grumbled in his sleep next to me on Jonah’s bed. Our bed. Jonah had carried me upstairs and, after another shower, tucked me into bed with instructions not to move for at least two hours.

A bleary glance at the clock told me I’d been out for almost four.

My body sang a chorus of aches and pains. I was due for another round of anti-inflammatories washed down with a big glass of wine… or a Mountain Dew.

Fantasizing about a two-liter bottle, I limped down the stairs into a fantasy land.

“Am I hallucinating?” I whispered.

Every flat surface in the living room was covered with takeout containers and junk food.

Jonah sat on the couch eating a fried chicken leg. “Surprise!” he said with his mouth full.

“What is all this?” Onion rings and cheese sticks and an entire tray of dino nuggets crowded the coffee table. There was a six-pack of Mountain Dew in a bucket of ice on the floor. The table I used as a desk now held a greasy bag of fast food burgers. There was an entire apple pie and more fried chicken sitting on the TV stand.

“It’s a pig-in,” Jonah said cheerfully. He crossed to me and gave me a gentle kiss. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I don’t know what to dive into first,” I said, reverently.

He handed me a plate. “You once asked if I ever ate garbage.”

“I didn’t mean an entire convenience store and fast food restaurant,” I laughed.

“Every time I finish a big event that I trained hard for, I treat myself with a pig-in.”

“I didn’t think it was possible since you saved my life and all. But I think I love you even more right now than I did before I fell asleep,” I whispered, sniffing the fried chicken.

“Have at it, honey.”

He grabbed the pain meds while I loaded up a plate and fished out a can of soda from the bucket.

“I am so happy right now,” I said, biting the head off a stegosaurus nugget.

“There’s also some regular nuggets and a bunch of sauces in that bag,” Jonah said, pointing with an onion ring to another bag.

“I can’t believe you did this for me,” I said, feeling way too emotional for this to be just about junk food.

“It’s all about balance,” he said, with his mouth full.

“You’re really sexy when you gorge yourself,” I told him.

He grinned at me, half of an onion ring hanging from his lips. I laughed.

“How are you really?” he pressed.

I grabbed a burger, unwrapped it, and took a bite. My eyes rolled heavenward. “I feel like so many weights have been lifted that I might float away,” I confessed.

“I talked to Cassidy,” Jonah said. “Christian was treated Copyright 2016 - 2024