The Ghoul Next Door - By Rose Pressey Page 0,71

think something is wrong with me. I haven’t felt myself since before the show started. I don’t know if it’s the demonic stuff in the house, or if a spell has been cast on me.”

“Who would have cast a spell on you? I thought all of that was behind us now. Brianna is gone and so is Becky. At least I assume they are gone for good. Do you think they’ve come back?”

I stared down at my plate. “I don’t know what to think. I don’t think they’ve come back, but I need to get answers. This could become very serious.”

She sighed. “I think it already is.”

“I still don’t know who sent the witch’s ball. How will I even begin to figure out a mystery such as that?”

“We need to do some sleuthing.” Mindy smiled and I attempted to return the sentiment. I knew she was right. If I wanted to save myself, I had to find out who was attacking me.


There had been no return address on the box. No card or any clues that would lead to its origin. Maybe I had overlooked something. I made my way to the box that I’d left in the kitchen. Mindy followed along behind me.

I hadn’t wanted to throw it away in the hopes that I’d somehow find a clue in it. But I’d looked at it several times over the last couple days and there had been no clues. I picked up the box and lifted out the tissue paper again.

“It doesn’t have many clues, huh?” Mindy asked as she stood beside me.

“Nope.” I shook my head.

I turned it upside down, thinking maybe something like a card would fall out like a magician pulling a rabbit out of his hat. Once again, nothing fell out. Someone snorted from over my shoulder and I knew without looking who it was.

“What do you want?” I snapped. “You know who sent this ball to me, don’t you? It gives you great pleasure to let them remain anonymous, doesn’t you?”

“What good does it do me to tell you? I get nothing for it, so why should I?” Candy Cherry walked around the table, circling us and glaring the whole time.

“Because it would be a nice thing to do.” I stared back.

“You just want to know who sent it so you can get rid of me.” She waved her index finger at me.

“That is not true. What good does it do for me to know?” I used the sweetest voice I could muster. “It’s not as if the person who sent it can tell me how to get rid of you. But there are ways to get rid of you.”

She snorted.

“We performed an exorcism on the show, I think I’m going to ask Cooper to come over and help cast you out as well.” I smirked.

It did my soul good to get in a little dig like that. If she thought she was going to hang around and torment me, she had another think coming.

“You can try all you want, but I’m not going anywhere.” She folded her arms in front of her chest.

“Say that all you want, but you’ll see. I’ll get rid of you.”

She let out a huff. “Fine. Maybe I can give you a few clues.”

I thought she’d see it my way. “Okay.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest and leaned back. “I’m listening. You’d better not be yanking my chain again.”

She flashed her dazzling smile. “Would I do a thing like that?”

I frowned. “Yes. You have and you would. Now get on with it.”

“Okay. A woman may or may not have sent it to you.” She studied her fingernails.

“What kind of clue is that? I mean, I assumed it was either a man or a woman. Unless a ghost delivered it to my front porch, which would still be a man or a woman. So you’re not helping me much.”

“Okay, okay. You are a complete nag. It was a woman.”

I stood up straighter. “Now we’re getting somewhere. So if you can tell me it was a woman, then why can’t you just go ahead and come out with who it was?”

“Because that wouldn’t be any fun and then I would have failed at my job. I was meant to come here and harass you. Oops.” She covered her mouth.

“You were sent here to harass me? Just because someone sent you here doesn’t mean you actually have to nag me. Maybe you could just pretend to do it.”

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