The Ghoul Next Door - By Rose Pressey Page 0,51


Thankfully, when Jane walked out of the restaurant with her order, she didn’t come back over to talk. She waved and gave me another smirk, but I could deal with that.

After dinner, instead of walking directly back to Callahan’s car, we turned left out of the restaurant toward the park. The air was crisp, so I cuddled up next to Callahan. I didn’t mind the cool air as long as he was around.

Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was happy with Callahan for sure, but underneath my happiness was an agitation that I couldn’t explain. I had no idea what would cause that feeling. I should be happy. Callahan was next to me and I had an exciting new venture into television. The opportunity had just fallen into my lap. How many people could say they were that lucky? I counted my blessings for the things that I had.

We walked in silence for a while and I continued to shove the uneasiness to the back of my mind.

After a few seconds, Callahan said, “I do hope you understand about me taking on the other job.”

I waved off his statement. “Of course. I’m glad you have a chance to help someone.”

Silence lingered again as we moved a few more steps down the sidewalk. Even when we didn’t talk, I felt comfortable with Callahan and this time was no different.

Finally Callahan said, “You’ll be working with Cooper, huh?”

Was Callahan jealous? I sensed something in his voice when he asked.

“Yes, it looks that way.” I glanced up at the twinkling stars in the indigo twilight. The crisp scent of fall surrounded us.

“How do you feel about that?” he asked.

“Maybe I should ask you how you feel about that.” I brushed my hair back from my shoulders. Maybe I was coming down with something because suddenly it wasn’t nearly as cool as it had been. Again my face felt really hot. Callahan seemed fine though.

He met my gaze, then paused. Finally he said, “I actually like the idea that you won’t be fighting any demons by yourself.”

I searched his gaze. He seemed sincere. I’d take him for his word. After all, he had nothing to worry about as far as Cooper was concerned.

Callahan slipped his arm around my shoulders and I took in a deep breath. He smelled so good—like sandalwood and musk. Getting lost in his arms was easy.

Elvis followed us around the park at a good distance. He was like my ghostly body-guard. Mr. Fine and Candy Cherry were nowhere in sight again. I had no idea where those two were always slipping off to.

Callahan and I chatted for a while longer as we made a loop around the entire park, stopping to kiss and gaze up at the stars halfway through. When we reached the entrance, we headed back toward Callahan’s car. It had been a wonderful evening, but that was about to change.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Before turning the corner to make our way onto the sidewalk, we paused. Callahan placed his hands on my cheeks. “I know you have to wake up really early, so I’m going to let you get some sleep.” He brushed my cheek with his finger. “It’s hard to stay away though.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

When we reached Callahan’s car, I knew something was wrong right away. The driver’s side window had been smashed out and glass littered the ground below. I wanted to lay down right there on the sidewalk and cry, big blubbering tears, but I couldn’t. Yet again, I had to pull myself together and face the bad luck. Again. Why was this happening to us? It was as if I had been cursed. If it wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.

“Your window is smashed,” I called out as we hurried toward his car. As If he couldn’t see what had happened with his own eyes. “Do you think someone was trying to steal your car?”

“Probably,” he said, examining the broken window.

“Is anything missing?” I asked.

Callahan looked up and down the street. Things had quieted down around town. Not many people stayed out after dark around Magnolia. Stone buildings and brick sidewalks lined the quaint and cozy historic section of town. Awnings covered some of the shop entrances, while others had clever signs dangling gently over the doors.

Then I remembered. “Oh my gosh. I left my purse in your car.”

I rushed over to the passenger side and looked through the window. My bag was Copyright 2016 - 2024