The Ghoul Next Door - By Rose Pressey Page 0,48

of these books, I’d say the person wasn’t a fan of reading.” I shook my head. “It makes me sick to see books destroyed.”

I loved the written word. That was why I had the store. Books deserved more respect than to be ripped apart. Not to mention the cost of replacing the books.

“Please, Larue, let me pay for them,” Beth said again.

I touched her arm. “I won’t hear of it. Now don’t mention it again.” I waved my finger and smiled.

She looked down and nodded. If she started crying I wasn’t sure what I’d do. I stopped talking about the damage. Beth already felt bad enough there was no reason to keep mentioning the incident. She needed some time to escape thinking about it. And honestly, so did I. I had enough on my mind already. We carried the books over to the counter and I placed them in a box.

“That’s a beautiful necklace,” Beth said as I leaned down. “Where did you get it? I’d love to have one like that.” Her gaze was locked on the pendant around my neck.

I touched the necklace. “A friend gave it to me.”

“Do you know where she got it?” she asked.

“No, I have no idea.” I shook my head. “I think it had been in her family for a long time.”

I wasn’t about to tell her that the necklace was for the coven and helped with magical powers.

“It has a mesmerizing quality. I don’t know what it is,” she said.

She had no idea.

“It’s ugly if you ask me,” Candy Cherry said.

Yeah, well, I didn’t ask her.

With a soft thud, the necklace slipped from my neck and fell to the floor. I glared at Candy Cherry. Had she purposely made the necklace fall off?

“Oh gosh, let me help you.” Beth rushed over and grabbed the necklace from the ground.

She hadn’t wasted any time grabbing it up.

“Let me put it on you.” Beth stood behind me and draped the chain around my neck. After a minute, she let out a sigh and said, “I can’t get the clasp to stay.”

“That’s okay. I’ll just put it in my purse for now,” I said, taking the necklace from her hand.

Luckily, Beth didn’t have a chance to ask any more prying questions about the necklace. The bell above the door chimed and we looked up.

When Callahan walked through the door with a dozen red roses, I let out a huge sigh of relief. But surprisingly, my agitated feeling remained.

“I’m taking you for a celebratory dinner.” He flashed a wide smile.

In spite of the unpleasant feeling coursing through my body, I was relieved to see him. He probably had no idea that I’d received a letter from his ex-girlfriend. The next question: should I tell him about the letter?

“Am I glad to see you,” I said.

He thrust the flowers forward with an outstretched arm. “I brought you these as congratulations for doing the show. I’m really proud of you.”

I’d had my doubts if Callahan was really happy for me. Lately I’d sensed a hesitation with him. Well, I thought I’d sensed it. Now I knew it was just my imagination. The expression on Callahan’s face was as relaxed and casual as the blue sweater and khakis he was wearing.

“They’re beautiful. Thank you.” I took a whiff.

Beth walked up behind me. “I can put those in water for you if you’d like.”

“Thanks, Beth. That would be great.” I handed over the bouquet.

Callahan and I stepped out onto the sidewalk and walked a few steps before I realized I had my huge purse. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing to carry when taking a stroll. Callahan’s car was parked against the curb.

“Do you mind if I leave my purse in your car?” I asked.

“Sure, I’ll hide it under the front seat. No one will see it there.”

Callahan unlocked his car and stuffed the luggage I called a purse into his car. Then we set out for our magical evening. Candy Cherry, Mr. Fine and Elvis Presley followed along behind us like ducklings. I didn’t want to be the mama duck.

Chapter Twenty-Five

We reached the front door of the French restaurant. Being the perfect gentleman, Callahan held the door open and after Mr. Fine and Candy Cherry slid through the entrance, I made my way inside. Elvis hadn’t bothered to use the door. He was a smart man. I hadn’t mentioned to Callahan that we had an entourage accompanying us. He probably assumed though.

“I wanted to bring you back to where we Copyright 2016 - 2024