The Ghoul Next Door - By Rose Pressey Page 0,34

chest or face. Men.

Cooper handed her a piece of paper and I knew what that meant. I leaned closer to the window as if that would give me a better view. I needed my binoculars. Mindy had finally gotten to me and I’d purchased a pair of my own one night at Wal-Mart with Mae West. Mindy had finally converted me over to her side.

“She’s asking him for a job too. And knowing him, he’ll probably give it to her,” I said.

“That statement is more than likely correct based on that skirt and blouse she was wearing. Men can be such suckers sometimes. So easily persuaded.” Mindy snorted.

We watched as they spoke, and when Jane turned to come out from his shop, we hurried away from the window. I didn’t want her to see us snooping on her.

Mindy giggled. “We’re getting good at this.”

The first chance I got I was going over there to warn Cooper. Sure, I couldn’t tell him not to hire her, but he did need to look into her background first. You couldn’t just leave a stranger in charge of your business without knowing anything about them. A pretty face didn’t always equal an honest face. He should know that from his cousin Brianna.

As soon as she’d turned the corner, I said, “Come on. Let’s go.”

Chapter Nineteen

Before Mindy and I had even crossed the street, my ghosts were waiting by the front door of High Fashion. When we stepped through the door, Cooper’s eyes widened.

“Elvis Presley follows you everywhere you go? I thought that was a one-time thing. I’m impressed.”

I smirked, as if to say, yeah, I’m good. “Never mind that. I have another bone to pick with you. What did that woman want?” I pointed toward the street.

“Oh yes, Jane Howe. She seems great. She said you turned her down for a job. A little intimidated, huh?”

Okay, maybe Cooper could be an ass at times.

He focused on his iPad. “Anyway, I hired her.”

“What?” Mindy and I said in unison.

“I can’t believe you hired her.” I stepped closer. I wanted to snatch the device from his hands and force him to look at me.

He glanced at me, then back down. “I needed someone to work.”

“But you don’t know anything about her,” I said.

“She gave me her resume.” He pointed at the paper. “She had references and experience.”

I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “So she claimed. How do you know she was telling the truth?”

“Yeah,” Mindy agreed. “Cooper, you can be so dense sometimes.”

He smirked. “Well, I guess I’ll find out. But I have someone to work for me while we tape the show. You don’t.” He quirked a brow.

“He does have a point,” Mindy said.

I narrowed my eyes. “I’ll find someone, just you watch.” I pointed. “And I guarantee you’ll discover that your worker isn’t on the up and up. Don’t come to me when she casts a spell on you.”

I turned on my heel and gestured for the ghosts to follow me. “Come on, guys. Let’s get out of here.”

I groaned as I walked through the door of Book Nook and marched to the counter. I hadn’t even turned around to make sure the ghosts were still with me. Honestly, did I really need to look? They always followed me. Even Candy Cherry was hanging close at the moment.

“Can you believe that guy?” I asked Mindy. “He’s crazy.”

Elvis leaned against the counter and my stomach flip-flopped at his nearness. “Men sometimes don’t think things through when a pretty woman is involved.”

Since he was all man, I was sure he knew what he was talking about.

“Who are you going to get to work?” Mindy asked.

I bated my eyelashes and flashed a smile her way.

“Oh, Larue, you know I would if I could, but my place is barely hanging on. I don’t have anyone to instruct the classes.”

My shoulders slumped a little. “I know, but it was worth a shot, right?”

She patted my hand. “If we put our heads together, we could find someone.”

“Do pardon me for interrupting.” Candy Cherry sashayed closer to the counter.

As if I had a choice. I was shocked that she’d been polite enough to ask before injecting her wisdom.

“What about the woman who stopped in to say hello?” my crabby ghoul friend asked. “Beth was her name. She said she was bored since her wee one started school. She even left her number for you, remember?”

Why had it taken a ghost to point that out to me? Beth would Copyright 2016 - 2024