Ghost in the Inferno - Jonathan Moeller Page 0,122

up the Inferno?” he said again.

“We did,” said Caina. “You saw the explosion.”

“The entire damned Vale saw the explosion,” said Tanzir. He pulled off his jeweled turban, ran a hand through his hair, and returned the turban to its place. “I suppose half of northern Anshan saw the explosion as well.” He shook his head yet again. “You blew up the Inferno?”

“I wish to point out, my lord emir,” said Morgant with his usual smirk, “that you have asked three times, and the answer is unlikely to have changed. If you doubt us, you can proceed to the pile of rubble and view it for yourself.”

Nasser gave a reproving look, but Morgant’s smirk never wavered.

“It is all right,” said Caina. “I was there. I saw it all happen, and I can scarce believe it myself.”

“Yes, of course,” said Tanzir. “I do not doubt you. Even if I did, the crimson light that filled the southern sky a few nights ago would put my doubts to rest.” He sighed. “I suppose you will want this kept secret, yes? I fear that will be impossible. Too many people saw what happened. I suppose news of the Inferno’s destruction has already reached the city by now. Someone will come to investigate, and the Grand Wazir and the Grand Master will be furious when they learn of Rolukhan’s death.”

“He will also greatly desire my death,” said Annarah.

“Of course, my lady,” said Tanzir. His deference to Annarah surprised Caina. Yet Tanzir was a well-read man, and he knew the history of Iramis. It seemed the loremasters had once been respected, and if they had been like Annarah, Caina could understand why. “Yet the Balarigar already has a bounty of two million bezants.”

“Callatas will want me dead personally,” said Annarah. “I knew him, long ago, before…he became as he is now. I will not hide myself…”

“But you should,” said Caina.

“I agree completely,” said Morgant.

“Though I will take prudent precautions,” said Annarah, smiling at Morgant. “Yet when Callatas learns that I live, he will do his utmost to kill me.”

“Just as well, then,” sighed Tanzir. “This forces our hand.”

“What do you mean?” said Caina.

“The Grand Wazir and the Grand Master will want to blame someone for the destruction of the Inferno,” said Tanzir, “and they will try to blame us. The southern emirs, I mean. The southern emirs will not stand for that, and if Callatas and Erghulan give us an ultimatum, we will likely resist.”

“Resist,” said Caina. She considered her next words. “Then the civil war is about to begin?”

“Perhaps not,” said Tanzir. “Perhaps the Grand Wazir can be made to see reason. Perhaps the Brotherhood will agree to stop kidnapping slaves from the southern emirates. But from what you have told me of Callatas’s plans, he will not stop.”

“No,” said Annarah in her soft voice. “No. It would be a mistake to consider this solely as a contest of thrones and armies and money. Callatas cares nothing for any of those things, and he regards lands and titles and money with contempt. He is convinced that his Apotheosis and his alliance with the nagataaru are what is best for mankind, and he will not stop for any reason.”

“Not unless someone stops him,” said Caina.

Annarah nodded.

“My lady,” said Tanzir. “You speak as if you know the Grand Master.”

“I do know him,” said Annarah. “I did know him, long ago. He was my teacher.”

“What?” said Caina. Nasser had never mentioned a word of this. The Prince of Iramis, it seemed, still had secrets.

“He was not always as he is now,” said Annarah. “Once he was a loremaster of Iramis, and he was the greatest of our order. He was known as Callatas the Wise. Both kings and peasants sought his counsel, and he was the greatest healer and the wisest sage in the Order of the Words of Lore. He was my teacher when I was admitted to the Order, and I learned much from him. But he forsook Iramis and the loremasters to become an Alchemist, and I grieved for that. I grieved even more when he turned against us. And I am horrified to see the evils he has worked in the time since.”

“What happened?” said Kylon. “Why did he turn against Iramis?”

“Yes,” said Caina, giving Nasser a look. “What happened?”

“Alas, I do not know,” said Nasser, his calm unwavering. “Had I known, there might have been a way to reason with him, to turn him from his path. But I never learned why he Copyright 2016 - 2024