Ghost (Boston Underworld #3) - A. Zavarelli Page 0,50

of Lyoshenka for all to see? To offend his wife in front of the brothers? You are aware of the consequences for such actions. And if it were anyone else, you would not have done so.”

It is true my father knows the consequences. This is why he remains unapologetic when he meets my gaze. He is aware there is no avoiding it now. And the only thing he has left is his pride, which he will not sacrifice at any cost.

“He is defective,” Sergei replies. “Worthless. He is no son of mine.”

Viktor reaches for his phone and taps out a message to one of his soldiers, the room silent while we wait for what comes next. After a few moments, a Boyevik appears with the shears, passing them off to Viktor.

“Nikolai,” Viktor says. “You will do the honors.”

Nikolai glances at Sergei and receives his nod of approval. Then he takes the shears from Viktor and reaches for his hand.

“No,” Viktor stops him. “Not the fingers.”

Sergei tries to hide the fear on his face, but it’s there. He meets Viktor’s gaze, wordless, as he waits for his punishment. Even I am not breathing, and I know Nikolai is not either.

“An ear,” Viktor says.

The room is quiet. For a long moment. But Nikolai does not delay any further, and Sergei does not protest.

I watch as my father tries to remain stoic while Nikolai cuts off his ear. It does not last for very long. Like the coward he is, the pain brings him to his knees. It is only Nikolai that I feel a small pang of regret for. This will certainly drive a wedge between them as Viktor intended.

But an order from the pakhan will never be questioned or ignored, by anyone. And Nikolai does not deserve my sympathies.

When the act is over, Viktor tosses Nikolai a handkerchief to stem the bleeding. And there is a sigh of relief from Sergei.

We all believe it to be over. The punishment for his offenses have been carried out, and he now knows never to speak ill of my wife again.

But Viktor is not finished.

“I am stripping you of your duties as Avtoritet,” he announces. “And from here on out, you will take your orders as Boyevik to Nikolai. Who I am promoting in your stead.”

“You cannot be serious,” Sergei bellows. “He is only a boy.”

“He is twenty-five. And he conducts himself in the way that a Vor should.”

Viktor catches my eye before he goes on. “And besides, you should be happy. He is your pride and joy, no?”



Alexei comes in late.

I know, because I can’t sleep in his absence.

Even though we are still worlds apart and will probably never trust each other, his being in the house is the only thing that makes me feel safe. Even though it shouldn’t. Even though it’s the most foolish thing I could do after Dmitri.

I hear him fumbling around in his office, and then a curse before the light comes on down the hall. I swing my legs over the bed and move towards him, like a beacon in the night.

I find him at his desk, pouring a glass of cognac, although it is apparent he has already had several. Only the lamp next to his desk is on, so the light is dim, but even still, I can tell something isn’t right.

When his face comes into view, I see he has a split lip, and a bruise on his cheek.

I step inside and move towards him, only catching his attention when I’m directly in front of him.

“Go back to bed.”

His voice is harsh and cold. I ignore it and round the desk, instead.

He is too wound up, so I don’t chance sitting on his lap. Instead, I sit across from him, on the desk. Studying him, as he does the same.

“What do you want?” he demands.

Right now, I want to fix whatever is hurting him. But I don’t know the way. Nobody has ever showed me. So I do the only thing I can to connect with him. The only way I know.

I lift my hips and discard my shorts while he watches, followed by my cami. And then I’m naked on his desk, spreading my legs for him to see me. My hand slides down between my thighs slowly, playing with myself while he watches.

The room is quiet, and I have every bit of his attention. Cognac long forgotten, he leans forward, just a little, his eyes moving over my body.

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