Getting the Axe - Nikki Mays Page 0,42

such an embarrassment to him.

You would think that after years upon years of having him talk down to me that I would be prepared for his onslaught, but I wasn’t. I guess I’ve been spending too much time with people who only speak to me with love and concern that I forgot how to keep my guard up.

My father took my stunned silence as an agreement that I’ve been an embarrassment to him since I work full time and live on my own. “A woman your age should be married and having children, not gallivanting around like a whore.”

I’m not going to lie, his words stung, a lot more than I would’ve liked them too. I guess no matter what, deep down, I had always hoped to hear kind words come from his mouth. My brain truly knows better, but the little girl inside who watched her friends at school have great relationships with their fathers, secretly keeps hoping that one day she’ll have that too.

I was proud that I made sure not to show any sort of emotion. Years of being afraid to even breathe, smell, or look the wrong way have taught me how to have a great poker face. I made sure that it seemed like his words hadn’t affected me in the least. I really wanted to fist-bump myself for that one. I was even so pleased with myself that I almost missed what he was saying.

The world’s worst father decided to tell me that he had arranged for someone from the church to marry me so that I would no longer be such a disappointment. I should be happy that he found someone who will overlook all of my horrible qualities. You know, because being well educated, self-reliant, kind, loving, and successful are terrible qualities to possess.

I’m not sure if my brain malfunctioned, but all I could do was laugh. Honestly, I sounded like the hyena that Declan accused me of sounding like months ago in the grocery store. The thought of him and everything that’s happened in the last few months caused me to laugh even harder. Thinking back on it now, I totally sounded mental, but oh well. I haven’t laughed that hard in what seems like forever.

Father of the year and the others who were there began to look at me with such disdain that it started off another round of giggles. Well, it did until my father grabbed my arm in a punishing grip that I’m sure has already started to bruise. But unlike the old days, I tore my bicep away from him and shoved him away from me as hard as I could. The look of shock on his face as he stumbled backwards will remain with me for the rest of my life.

Riding that high, I told him that he could kiss my ass and that if he ever tried to contact me again, I would take out a restraining order against him. I purposely made sure to say that loud enough for everyone to hear. Hopefully, they all got the message loud and clear.

I turned on my heel and walked out of there with my head held high. Once I was back in my car and driving away, I realized how angry I truly was. Deciding that going back in there would be a bad idea, I decided to go to the gym that Danny owns. I’ve been there a few times with Brad and have genuinely enjoyed hitting and kicking the heavy bag. There’s just something very cathartic about it. I also may or may not picture my parents’ faces each time I hit or kick it.

Although I feel bad that I was kind of harsh with Danny when I walked in. I know that he knew that I was upset and was just trying to help. But really, the man carrying on a secret relationship wants me to tell him what’s going on. Yeah, I don’t think so. But the look on his face when I told him that he and Stacey need to just come clean was priceless.

“What makes you think that we’re together?” The big dummy asked.

All I could do was roll my eyes and shake my head. “Probably because you both look about ready to kill someone when anyone from the opposite sex tries to talk to either of you. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to put two and two together. You just better hope that my brother doesn’t figure it Copyright 2016 - 2024