The Gentleman's Thief - Isobel Starling Page 0,39

on homosexuality. There are passages in your Christian Bible that say our expression of love is sinful. However, the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Greeks, and Romans—great powerful civilizations—all encouraged congress between men.”

This assertion was correct. Much of my personal historical research proved that homosexual trysts were commonplace in Ancient Greece, Erastes-Eromenos relationships – that is, the love between older and younger men was part of the coming of age.

“There is a record of male love in Greek tapestries, ceramics, and wall murals. Greece even had an Army of Lovers—the mightiest warriors, all of whom shared carnal knowledge because that intimate bond made them better fighters, closer than brothers.” I added knowledgeably.

“Indeed. The love between Greek men was seen as a rite of passage into manhood, and consuming gentleman’s relish sealed that sacred bond.” Blake continued.

“I beg your pardon!” I was sure I was blushing for I suddenly felt exceedingly hot and uncomfortable in my skin.

“Semen, Benedict.” Blake grinned mocking me for my prudery.

“We can speak freely of all things here.” He reminded. “The belief that semen is a sacred magical fluid is found throughout history, did you know that? It is the spark, the key, the life force that man creates within his body, and in turn, uses it to give new life. That does not only mean procreation with a woman. We believe it also means extending a man’s existence through the consumption of sacred nectar.”

This was pure quackery, somewhere in my mind I was certain this Godless American was a fraud, however, my body felt strange and I believed I was glued to my chair. I did not want to listen anymore but I could not move as the strange elixir I had consumed fizzed in my veins.

“It is said that men like us have dishonorable passions and we need to be shamed and punished for our sins.” This was indeed the kind of rhetoric that had been pummeled into me by my church from when I was a lad.

Lawrence Blake stood and passionately thumped a fist on the table. “To that, I say, bullshit! I understand how you have struggled, Benedict. Society needs all men to strive for respectability, to prove themselves to be real men. What could be more real, more masculine than the giving of your life essence to another man who cares for you and shares your desires?”

My heart raced, partly with the Absinthe, and partly with the horror of this stranger speaking in such an unorthodox, blasphemous manner.

“If your God is love and he made you in his image. He made you to love without fear.”

“But…but the scriptures—“I protested.

“—Are an interpretation of Hebrew and Aramaic texts. They were translated by monks whose life experience was from within the walls of a monastery.” Blake insisted.

“Why would your God create man with a special place inside—a place that assists him to release his soul—if man was not to use it?”

My mouth was full of the taste of wormwood, anise, and fennel, and I could not look up at Blake anymore. My whole belief system was being turned on its head. In my heart I knew that laying with Sebastian was joyful, life-affirming—the purest act of selflessness I had committed in years. Opening one’s heart, trusting—these make a man vulnerable, and in that place of vulnerability, I found freedom to be my true self. I did not believe my affection for Sebastian was wrong; therefore, what Blake was saying must be correct and true!

“Our brotherhood, Fratres Seminis consists of intelligent men, powerful men all of whom share our desires and our wisdom. We believe that homosexual love is right and we aim to share our selves and our wisdom.” Blake explained, toying with the ring that held the seal upon it.

“Your name was put forward by a member, a man who believes you are wise, pure of heart, and perfectly suited to join us.” He revealed. I must have looked like a startled rabbit for then Blake carefully said,

“I understand that this is a great deal to take in.”

“It is indeed. You have given me much to think about.” I thought for a moment that he would let me leave to consider the invitation, but then Blake continued.

“You were invited tonight because we are to begin our work, entwining brother to brother. I would be delighted if you would observe the ritual we call The preparation of the Vessel. Afterward, you can decide if you would—give yourself to our cause.”

I was intrigued, and yet, terror gripped at my Copyright 2016 - 2024