The Gentleman's Thief - Isobel Starling Page 0,3

none of my current servants was in my employ when I purchased and decorated the townhouse no one knows of the existence of my secret room. Not even Sebastian Cavell knew of the true extent of my collection and so I did not believe Cavell was here for thievery. But why was he here?

I stepped to the closed bathroom door and stood listening to him splashing in the tub and humming a jolly tune. I was startled when he began to sing. I could not place the song, which was music hall in variety, but his voice did something to my innards and made my knees weak. The thought of him naked in the bath behind this sturdy timber door, his freckled skin wet and glistening as he sang, oh Lord, how that pleased me. I was unsure of what to do with myself, and then I heard the loud bang of the kitchen door and Sebastian’s song ceased at once. I realized Mr. Troy had returned from his errands. I knocked lightly on the bathroom door and called to Cavell,

“I’ve left garments in my private lounge and you should join me downstairs in my study when you’re dressed.”

“Righty-oh!” Sebastian called back, sounding rather relaxed and pleased with himself.

The Book

This could not be happening! Agitated, I paced back and forth in front of the hearth, a-million-and-one thoughts about what Sebastian Cavell wanted with me swimming in my head. I think most men would be irritated if a person they had enjoyed one single night of illicit relations with suddenly turned up on their doorstep. What was he doing here? Was I being taken for a complete fool? Cavell could be robbing my rooms this very minute as I waited for him?

It was then that I doubted my sanity for letting a criminal into my home and was unsure of how to behave in his presence. He had a way about him I could not fathom. All it took was a look, his eyes glittering with a challenge or a smile that promised delicious wicked thing and my innards melted. He knew far too much about me and what I desired. I concluded that Sebastian Cavell was indeed a very dangerous man. One remark about my sinful nature to the wrong person could lead to banishment from my church and a loss of status. No matter how kindly I felt towards him it would be reckless to allow this man any further into my life and my affections. I must be imperturbable. Yes, I decided, I must remember myself—remember the pious, detached… miserable man that I was before I journeyed to Scotland. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed deeply. This was a disaster. What was I to do? A single knock on my study door interrupted my storm of self-doubt.

“Come in”, I roared, my voice sounding rougher than I’d expected. Mrs. Twigg and the maidservant Maud entered and immediately there was an atmosphere. Mrs. Twigg’s mouth was pinched reproachfully and I regretted my sharp tone. She did not appreciate me bellowing at her, and it was not my nature as an employer. Like a kicked dog, I hung my head in shame.

“Apologies”, I said and gestured for her to serve me. Mrs. Twigg held the tea tray and young Maud carried a second tray that contained a plate of freshly baked sweet mince pies. The fruit and spice tarts were decadently sprinkled with confectioners’ sugar.

“They smell wonderful!” I praised, in an attempt to break the atmosphere. Mrs. Twigg smiled and nodded as she passed me.

“I requested tea for two.” I reminded as I noticed, “There is only one cup on the tray”. Flora shot me a look. “We have a house guest, another cup and saucer will be required if you’d be so kind.”

I did not owe an explanation; however, Mrs. Twigg was gifted with that wordless glare that all matriarchs possess. It is a power that is too great for any man to deny, and so words of speedily conjured explanation spilled from my mouth.

“A friend slipped on the slushy path as I was seeing off that blasted beggar.” I babbled. “He—my friend—was quite shaken by the ordeal. I permitted him to clean up here. I just wanted you to be aware so you do not get a fright with a stranger about the house.” I explained, hoping I was keeping my tone steady and businesslike this time, “So, yes, tea for two if you please”. However, Copyright 2016 - 2024