Gentleman Sinner - Jodi Ellen Malpas Page 0,23

the bottle. ‘And the third night I was thinking a nice meal and a little gamble.’ I’m literally yelling now.

‘Right,’ she says slowly, and then she sighs. ‘This is ridiculous.’ She slams the bottle down and pulls the kitchen door open.

‘Jess, no!’

‘I’ll tell him no if you won’t.’ She marches on her way with determination.

‘Jess!’ I’m running forward a few steps and retreating again, back and forth, unsure of what to do. Hide. I should hide. ‘Tell him I’m out!’ Damn it! I rush after her, hoping to make it to the door before she does so I can stop her from opening it.

‘Fuck me!’

I hear Jess’s startled curse as I screech to a halt behind her, finding she’s already pulled the front door open and her head is slowly tilting back to find Theo’s face. I can’t see my friend, but I’m guessing her jaw is lax.

The sight of him, tall and oddly refined behind his intimidating front, makes me feel like I’ve just been smacked in the head with a baseball bat. He’s a vision. His top lip quirks as he looks past Jess, abandoning my dazed friend in favour of me. And again I’m tucking my hair behind my ears, my gaze dropping. One day I won’t look like a bedraggled mess when he appears from nowhere. ‘I texted to tell you I wouldn’t be having dinner with you.’ I jump in before he can ask why I’m not ready.

‘And I assumed it must have been a slip of your fingers on the keys.’

‘What . . .?’ I do a quick mental calculation. ‘All seven words?’

‘Eight,’ he counters, getting my attention again. He watches me carefully. ‘If you include the kiss that you tagged on the end.’

My cheeks heat under his watchful eyes, and Jess swings around with an accusing look. ‘A kiss?’

My lips remain locked tightly shut, not willing to explain myself. Though it doesn’t stop me from justifying it in my head. I added it as a gesture, that’s all. To soften the blow.

‘Yes, a kiss,’ Theo confirms. ‘It said, “Thank you, but I can’t make dinner.” ’ He reels off my message from memory. ‘And then there was definitely a kiss.’ He raises his eyebrows, pouting a little. ‘Don’t take that kiss away from me, Izzy. It’ll break my heart.’

I want to smile, but that would be feeding his playfulness. And I shouldn’t do that, no matter how thrilling it is to bounce off his light banter. I’m still figuring out what to say next when Jess opens the door wide and gestures for him to come in. He dips a little to clear the frame and avoid hitting his head. What is she doing?

I point a steely glare at her that she totally ignores, the cow. Fuck, I’m hot. My hand comes up to fan my face without thought, triggering another knowing smile from Theo. He looks lovely when he smiles, and I sense he doesn’t do it often. His smiles are warm and tempting.


He’s that already, even when he’s straight-faced and ominous. With a cute curve of his lips, he’s plain irresistible. That dimple is adorable and definitely misplaced.

The narrow hallway becomes far too crowded when he enters, and I flatten myself against the wall to avoid making contact with him. I’m going to kill Jess. Slowly.

‘It was nice to meet you,’ she chimes, trotting off, leaving me and Theo more or less wedged in the space. I breathe in to widen the small gap between our torsos when he stops right in front of me.

‘Your friend is quite hospitable,’ he says, lingering before me. ‘Maybe you should take note.’

My eyes narrow. ‘And maybe she might be easier to bed than me. Why don’t you try your luck?’ I want to regret my spiteful retort, if only because I’ve insulted Jess, but I can’t. He’s pissed me off now, chasing away any temptation that I was fighting off.

Though it all comes steaming back when Theo takes my jaw in his big hand and brings his face close to mine, even if his handsome features are twisting in disdain. My lungs squeeze as I fight for breath. He looks truly threatening now. Yet I’m not scared.

Why am I not scared of him?

‘That was uncalled for,’ he whispers menacingly but softly, keeping me in place with his grip, but more with his eyes.

I clench my back teeth, not cowering nor backing down. ‘You want me to apologize?’

His grip loosens, going from holding to feeling, Copyright 2016 - 2024